Sunday, January 31, 2010

Summer Hurry up!☼

My weekend was pretty good.
I actually had a great time with my boyfriend,
we talked about colleges, apartments, and basically the city of Chicago!
We have so many plans, I don't decide on relying on him by the way! (;
I definitely can't wait for summer to come, it needs to hurry up!
I told him about what I have learned about Adolf, he was really shocked.
good stuff, huh?
Well here comes another week of notes!
I'm ready, sadly, but yes.
Life is great!

Your Sunshine,
Patty Carrillo

Mising nelly =[

wooow Nelly's been gone for a whole week. i feel sorry for her, since she has a lot of notes to catch up on. ha ha ugh class has been the same as every other day. too many notes and my hand hurts like whoa. and having to think I'll be doing this the rest of the year, kills me. =[

eh. . . . .

i still haven't presented my power point, and it makes me kind of nervous to think about. am not a good speaker, actually, never have been, which makes me want to be the last one to present. the person i got didn't interest me the most, but I'll try my best to make him seem interesting. =/


"wow" on friday i enjoyed Kilver's presentation. she did an amzing job. everything was interesting and sad to hear about her villain. like Elisa said, poor kids, specially those who were twins.
Class on Friday was very interesting Vanessa K. Did an awseome job. THUMBS UP Vanessa! I bet that guy was a pshyco! poor children who were twins. This is my favorite presentation. Now I am nervous for mine. What i found shocking from her presentation was that i actually thought he wasn't going to kill the twins or dwarfs I thougt he was going to set them free or something. I was wrong they died worse.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Finally my last post of the week. Well it has been a great week. And I'm enjoying all the presentaions. But not Ms. Ingrams powerpoints because they are way to long. Hopefully she will shoten them out, and give us a break. Well hope to learn more about the people's powerpoints and learn more about Hitler. He is interesting but also a really bad guy. His bo=iography is super long but what can we do. We have to do what the teacher says. Well see you guys next week and wish all of you a good weekend.
I wish Adolf's last name would have been the other one. Its funny to me! When i was in 8th grade we had to do a history project and I did mine on Hitler. I read that he really wanted to be an artist. But when he tried to get in the school he wanted to go to he was rejected. And he got it in his head that the people were Jewish that didn't let him in the school and that was a big part why he started to hate them.
So far this week everything has gone well. Mostly everone has presented but we still need a few people left. Ms. Ingram said that we where going to be finished by next week. And hopefully we will that way we can start something new. Everday we learn something new and sometimes funny things like Alois last name. I don't know how to spell it so I won't even try. But other than it evrytghing is going well.
I'm so glad i got my power point done with!
I was so nervous and I couldn't wait to be done with it. I know we have to do more power points to do and I hope it just gets easier to do them later on.
I think it will.
Today the power points we had were Rocio's and Vanessa's and both were were pretty awsome.
Rocio's guy was is in our text book. It said that he was a drug addict and became really fat. Vanessa's was crazy! I heard about the whole experiaments and stuff during the Holocaust but the sadest part was that the kids would actually like call him Uncle and he still didn't see at what he was doing was wrong!
Well, today we had presentations. I really liked them. Espaecially Vanessa k. She had really good information of her person. I had fun learning a lot of things that I didn't knew before. So far it has been a good class. i hope to keep enjoying it. And that way I will actually learn something. So far every person has been interesting. It doesn't matter if they where heroes or villains. Because they where all ineresting to me.
Today Vanessa K. presented her person, who was a villain named Dr. Josef Mengele. He was a very horrible person who did experiments on people in the concentration camps. I also found out that he was known as the angel of death. He especially liked twins. I think he was a very very sick man with a twisted mind.

todays presentations

Today i really liked Kilver's presentation a lot.
Especially b/c i learned bout that doctor in 8th grade for history.
I always thought he was a mad scientist basicly b/c thats torture for the little kids if they were twins. :(
Especially if some survived from all those injecions have to live with those memories afterwards.
Also I can't believe he didn't get caught. But im happy he died :) karma will eventually come back to him. But I wished he get caught earlier and be tortured as well.

Hitler's crazy bio

so today in class we also learned more about Hitler's bio. and i couldn't believe that Hitler was in a choir and that he and a great singing voice. that would have been the last thing i would have thought Hitler would do. It was also nasty that they married each others family's members. That is just wrong. i think that Hitler turned out to be bad because of how he was treated by his dad. his dad was always being bossy and didn't give Hitler the attention. probably that's why he turned out to be evil and to have such a hard and dark heart;)
Today in class i had to present my power point, i was nervous as always, but i think i did okay. although it felt that it was less than 10 min. and you couldn't even see the pictures so that kind of sucked. Vanessa also presented and she had a crazy villain. he was really weird with all that twin stuff. but the only advantage i think the twins had was that they were treated better than the others. i cant believe he was that fascinated with twins, like Hello!! they're just humans. I agree with Patty they are all Psycho's.


Today Vanessa gave the best presentation on Dr. Mengele he is so interesting to listen to. He was such a crazy man that it shocks me to know I would like to learn about him. What he did was very bad but the different settings of his life really triggered my interest. This was the same guy this movie called The Unborn I saw was talking about and his obsession about twins. Good job Vanessa girl you did your thing!

Hitler A Church Boy??

So today in class, Mrs.Ingram was gong over Hitler's little biography and she told us that he was a singer in his church's choir. I mean that is the most hilarious thing that I've ever heard about him, besides him having one testicle. I mean just think about Hitler singing in the choir. I'm still stuck on the fact that he had a child hood. I love Holocaust.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

The Villains (i hope i spelled it correct)

There was all types of villains this week i learned about they really caught my attention. If i had to ask them a question it would be what was it like to work with Hitler (not saying that i would have wanted to)? Their lives was simply turned around because of Nazi reign at the time. My favorite villain power point was the guy who killed his own kids by injection. I am so ready for the rest of the villains.
We took notes on Hitler's biography today, it was a lot of notes about him. One thing i found interesting is how his last name was going to be Heidler but it was written down as Hitler. He might be part Jew, and he doesn't know his grandfather is.
I presented my villain today, Joseph Goebbels. I think i did good on presenting it, and i hope i get a good grade on it.

Today presentations

I really liked Patty's & Nina's presentations today.
I hate the fact that their names are hard to pronounce :/
lol. but patty's guy was really crazy. I agree that everybody of Hitler's friends are very odd and not mentally healthy. I would be so scared of them.
Nina's guy was cute :) lol.
Yesterday the presentations were pretty interesting. I thought Patty did a great job in explaining everything her villain did. It looks like he had a pretty cool job designing the concentration camps. And when she showed us that picture where there was dead bodies i thought it was dirt, but whatever it was cool. I also liked Shanice's presentation. She put a lot of effort to it and she gave so much energy and excitement which that made it fun and made me want to learn more.

I love my presentation

So I think I a wonderful job on my presentation. I liked how Hess crazy :D
I was kind od nervous and i cant believe i messed in one part.
ugh.. but I really liked Shaynce she makes me laugh. I just wished she had more pictures.
But she did a great job presenting.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Celebrate (: *

So today I went to work with my grandma and got four and a half services hours...kudos to me. (: but that's besides the point. Since it's nothing but old ladies that my grandma works with I had to listen to talk show stuff on the radio with them and I found out an interesting fact. Today is the 65th anniversary of the Liberation of Auschwitz. A smile came to my face when I heard the news. I thought I should share it with the class (:
Will write again soon, I don't have a choice... (;

Love Always,
Nessa k

->p.s Tomorrow (the 28th) is my Big Brother's Birthday -- He would've been 18! RIP I love you bro <3

-->p.p.s Tomorrow is also Mrs. Thompson's Birthday so...Happy Birthday Baby Girl!

--->p.p.p.s Get well soon Nellyyyyyyy <3

Sunshine ☼

I must say, my presentation was pretty short.
He is still a PSYCHO!
I don't like him.
They did have a lot of information on him but it was more of his feelings and thoughts.
I did put some on the power point.
I must say, he's one hellah' of villain.
I've noticed, that they all had mental issues.
I'm currently downloading euro music to my i pod.
I'm thinking of taking a jog soon.yes, in this bitter cold!
(I like working out.)
Getting ready for that Spring Break! (:
might be traveling out of town again.
I hope so!(:

Your Sunshine,
Patty Carrillo ☼

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

So class today was okay. i really found the 4 power points presented interesting.
I was hoping to present soon, since im not going to be in school the rest of this week.
Notes are a pain in my butt but thank god we just need to more slides..who knows how many more i'll need..i hope i dont miss out alot because then i'll have to copy all the notes from Kilver lol...At least the paper and the power point is done, no more worries with those babies.
well guys good luck in class. pay attention :) buhh byee

Blog Uno for thee Week <--

Yesterday we started our presentations. Of course Shanyce went first. Everyone must admit, she has guts. Shanyce, you did great love (she likes when I call her love)!
Today we continued with presentations and once presentations were over we continued with notes...what a surprise-NOT. We continued to learn about Hitler and his extremely boring book, Mein Kampf. Notes weren't too bad today thanks to the presentations but I guess that does mean more days to write. Either way, my hand is still going to hurt.
I decided I want to do my presentation. I had Dr. Josef Mengele. He's a villian and the things he did would amaze you, in a bad way. I would give some facts, but that can wait until class. What can I say, I like surprises!

No School tomorrow, so yay!

TTFN -- Ta Ta For Now!

-Nessa [k]

Monday, January 25, 2010

What a long class!!!!!!!!!!!!

Today we started to present our hero/villiam. I was the first one to present my power point on Oskar Schindler. I think I did very good, I knew my facts pretty well and I had the character to present it. I could have done better on my power point. Next time I will get a higher grade over all including on my paper.

Hey Sunshine ☼

Must we go any farther with Holocaust?
I like going to class and learning,
but taking notes is not working for my poor hand + long fingers (:

I want to present mine, but don't feel like standing up.
hate the person i have to represent, but i have to do it,
(not an option)
I actually just replied to Shanyce's comment on Facebook!
She asked which one was worse in history (Slavery or The Holocaust)
i did pick The Holocaust.
Life is great?huh.(not literally)

Your Sunshine,
Patty Carrillo
today our papers were due so i am glad i finished my paper and got it over with. the only thing i have to get over with is presenting it. I hope i don't get picked tomorrow. but i guess the sooner the better. Shanice was the first on to present today. she always has guts to be the first one. she did good. she said some funny stuff and she made all the class laugh. it was nice i like it. well i hope we finished those notes already. that's all for now. ;)

Thanks for the Late Night Posts!

Just went through the posts from last night! :)

Nice job today Shanyce--now let's get that paper in order! :)

not so good.

my weekend was horrible. am stuck home doing this essay. its giving me headaches and i just found out my computer doesn't have power point. =[ am having trouble finishing this essay and to top it i got to get up early tomorrow to go to school and do the power point. ugh! what else could possibly go wrong!! :'(

something unexpected

so i was talking to my dad about my paper. i never imagined of him knowing about the person i got to research on. he was telling me on how much of a horrible person Klaus Barbie was. he told me he killed many of people and for a while was very good hidden and no one knew of him. and finally was thrown in jail. wow! who would've ever known my dad knew facts about this guy. =]


friday's class did not go so well. tooooo many notes and my hand ended up hurting a lot by the end of the period. i've never taken this many notes, but i'll try getting used to it. =/

Sunday, January 24, 2010

uyyyyy i finallly finished my paper and power point!!! they both turned out relllli gud and my power point is verrryy colorfull!!! i started both like around 6 and just finished! the paper was easier than i taught....
the only bad part was that i had allllotttt of the family over and my favorite cuzzins which i rarley c were here and i was working on my stuff and i felt relli bad! cuz they wanted to go out but i cudnt.. i was relli mad but oh well! i learne that Martin Niemoller was a hero at first he helped hitler but then realized that hitler wanted to expell all jew from the chrch so he turned against him. and he wet his on way preeching and starting his own churches.. soo my paper turned out to be 4 and a little half.. i was researching and writting down wat i was gunna write since the begginig. so gunna hit the hay! peace!
My weekend was horrible :/
Holocaust paper was a pain in the butt, i finished that yesterday though :)
My power point isnt all that interesting i dont know if i will be able to stand up
in front of class and present for 10 whole minutes, thats impossible, but i'll try my best :)
I'm not much of a talker, but we'll see hiw it goes.
After my paper i had a huge headache!!! that was not cool.
hopefully i'm not the first one to present tomorrow :/
But we'll see.
I finished my paper yess! It was easier than i expected. At first i really wanted a villin but the more I got into his story the more i liked writing about him. He really fought with all his might against the Nazis and thats what i really liked about him. Even though he had a lot of set backs he still pulled through.

blog number 3

I finally finished my power point yayy!! i was working on it most of my day yesterday. so i am glad i am done. but i still have to finished my paper it's turning out good so hopefully i get a good grade. my villain is evil, but not that evil like Hitler. His name is Hermann Goering and he was Hitler's sidekick. Hitler appointed him as his successor. He was also a drug addict. he even like to wear makeup. He was a strange guy.He was very interesting!!well have to finish that paper laterz!!;)
yay i aleddi have to pages done on my papr this paper thingy aint so bad wen ur relli intersted in the persoon ur researching. sooo i dnt have much to do just the power point which i find relly easy.. ive found out that the person i havechanged his path in carreer quitea bi from battles in war to going into politics to studying theology. so lets c wat else i find.
Well on Friday class was as usual, we took note on the first chapter and i learned horrible things that that the Germans did to the Jews. I cant believe the Germans didn't considered them humans. which i think it's crazy to even think about. the quiz we took was pretty hard i thought the questions were going to be easy,they probably weren't but since i didn't finished reading than that's probably why. but for sure i will read next time.:)
The Hero/Villain prject is going okay. My paper is going great. I have really found some great information about Adolf Eichmann. I never knew that he was so crazy. Before he was executed it was told that he said "I laugh when I jump into the grave, because of the feeling that I have killed five million Jews. That gives me great satisfaction and gratification." That statement shows what kind of crazy and cynical man that he was.
This Holocaust class is becoming very interesting. The fact that we recieved this project has made me want to learn more about the deaths of the many Jews. Last week our Holocaust class was really grueling. We took a lot of notes. I really like the class, but the notes is a different story.
The person that I recieved for the class project is Adolf Eichmann. He was a man that was very cruel and disturbing. He had various jobs throughout his youth. This villian was responsible for the deaths of more than five million Jews.

Lots of Good Stuff...

Afternoon Ladies!

Just wanted to let you know that the work you are doing on here is pretty fabulous!!  Lots of great pics and cartoons!  Lots of good information!  I'm very impressed by what most of you are doing...however, there are a couple of you who aren't writing enough--or at all!  So, get your act together!  :)



PS  I can't wait to see the powerpoints you come up with!  I'm sure they will be great! :)


I found out so much stuff about Oskar Schindler that I would have never guessed that he would do. For one, he was an alcoholic for a very long time and helped caused his death. Also he was a womanizar and had many of girlfriends. I would have never guessed that he would have been all of theses things. At the ennd of the day it does not matter because he have way more, higher acheivements than drinking and going around with different women each week of the month.
Finally I finished my research paper and powerpoint yesterday! I feel more relieved and not stressed!Now I am just a little nervous to present. My research on Elie Wiesel was really interesting to me. I feel so proud of him and all that courage he had. At first I wanted a villan but now I am happy who i got. I wish I could meet him he still lives!
I finally am starting my paper on my villain. I found out alot of interesting things about him. And i hope i get a good grade on my paper and powerpoint.
My villain, Joseph Goebbels,was born on October 29, 1897. In Germany's Rhineland. He had a club foot which made him been rejected by the military.

Pretty Much☼

I just finished uploading the power point in the flash drive!
I hope i don't have to present tomorrow,
although I would like to tell everyone about the lunatic.
I'm curious to learn about the heroes during the Holocaust and see what they accomplished to do!
I'm currently watching the movie
Behind Enemy Lines with my boyfriend right now.
It reminds me of the Holocaust, somewhat'.
They show war, dead bodies, and planes and some fighting.
Well i must get back to it, the good part is about to happen!
(When they are fighting on the ice and like the U.S finds him..etc.)

Your Sunshine,
Patty Carrillo

Yay! ☼

Yay! I finished the paper and the power point!like two days ago!just didn't feel like blogging.ah (: omg i really hate him! He is like...ugh!
I hated doing the research about him! It was interesting, but i didn't like most of the things i read in websites. He needs to go to hell!
like literally, Hitler follows him with that too! plus he never had a love life! omg.
What a person can do so much and control so much land! Its insane, well miss Ingram its 2:11 am! And I just got home from a party! I said to myself I was going to Blog on Saturday so here I'm, i know its not Saturday anymore, but to me it is, since i haven't slept yet! aha what a night! I must get some rest for tomorrow! goodnight!

Your Sunshine,
Patty Carrillo
Ha ohkAy sad to sY that. I hvnt started on anything yet but I will tomarro for sure lol. But wenn I do the paper and power point it will be relli nice I hope. My ppt will be relli colorful. ;) all I relli kno about the person that I am researching is that he was relli into being in the army and battle. Well imma get goin. Bye

Friday, January 22, 2010

Finally, my last blog for the week. Everything that we have learned has been interesting in a way I could say. But i kinda get lost and yeah I didn't do good in my first quiz. Hope I do better in the next onces. Just hanging in there with the class and trying to finish the powerpoint and paper. I can't believe it's due on monday. But i guess it is so I have to work hard and get it done. Well now till next week to blog. I have to go cuz I have to finish my paper and powerpoint.
Hey, again
Well today was kinda interesting in class. But man Ms. Ingram you need to make shorter powerpoints. Well I guess we have to get used to it. We learned and anti-semitism in Germany. And all that was in the powerpoint was sad. It's sad how there are evil people int he world wanting to do harm to others. And because of this the Jews where rarely able to live in peace. They where always had to watch their backs. All of their properties and their worship places where destroyed.
Well I have learned a lot this week. And i also laerned a lot from my research on Heinrich Himmler. Although he was a bad guy he is kinda interesting. I just didn't like the fact that he worked for Hitler at one point, and he was known as Hitler's b****. Himmler was responsible for the Nazi concentration & death camps. Himmler was born to a carnie and a prostitude. So that explains a lot about him. Well I have to get back to work on the paper....
Chapter one quiz was hard. I read but i didn't really place close enough attention. I didn't know that Hitler wasen't the first to use anti-sem. Also I didn't know Martin Luther was a bad guy.
Finished my power point! YESSS
I liked my hero he was pretty cool and he was very brave.
Am excited that were moving on from ww1 and going to the beginning. So am looking forward to learning about more stuff like Hitler.

Where to begin...

Today we started our notes on Chapter One. I felt like I was reading the chapter over again. I have to admit I realized I didn't remember everything I should have, so it helped. (: I think what intrigues me the most about people who were Anti-Semites "back in the day" is how stubborn they seem. They just could not leave the Jewish people alone. First it was their religion that was the issue, but once all the people hating on the Jews finally got it into their thick skulls that they weren't going to convert they had to come up with another reason to punish and humiliate the Jews. Now all of a sudden Jews are no longer being hated for their religion; however, they're being hated for "being an inferior race." Ugh. People can be so ignorant at times. In this case, for centuries! My final thought? --- > Not cool!

.Nessa (K).

Thursday, January 21, 2010

jan 21

today in class it was interesting because we finished all the notes about world war I and also i survived from all those notes that we did in class today and actually i was happy. so miss Ingram gave us a quiz on chapter one and mostly i knew the answers but i think i got some of them wrong and i read the chapter last night.... almost done with my paper about my hero and the power point actually Shaffer he is helping with my power point and I'm actually happy with that and thanks to Shaffer i know that I'm going to get a good grade

To Celebrate? Or Not?

We finally finished our World War One notes/packet full of slides! Yay!
We learned why Germany is angry at the world. The Treaty of Versailles pretty much blamed Germany for all of the war and now they have to repay the rest of the world. 33 Billion to be exact.
Also, we took our first reading quiz today! Ahh! It was actually more difficult than I would have thought! /: I got one wrong. I'll do better next time for sure. (:
Tomorrow we start our chapter one notes...thats where the "or not" comes in...
Eh, back to hand crampss.
I guess it's too early to celebrate.
Well, I'm outt.
p.s. Jersey Shore was just swell (: fist pumpss!
Nessa [K.)


Today in Holocaust class a saw a picture of Hitler when he was younger and he was the most interesting thing I've ever seen in my life. He had this little patch above his lips that was supposed to be a mustache. I could not stop laughing; In fact, I'm still laughing now at this very moment. So, after class I kind of forgot about it. So now I'm in Ingram's office right now and there it is big ugly face of Hitler. I think it's a doll and a pinata, but they are so hideous. I just can't stop laughing! PLEASE HELP ME!!

Hey Sunshine! ☼

So I'm still researching on my villain, i don't really like to spell his name cause its long &
then it comes out as an error with the red thingi underlined!
Life is great! huh? (:
I most definitely can't wait for the weekend to come
so I can just get it done and over with it.
Miss Ingram the quiz was hard,
maybe it was because i didn't really focus much in the chapter
so it made it difficult for me! I'll do better next time!
I'll blog tomorrow!
We'll see what notes we take tomorrow, for sure they'll be long and interesting!

Your Sunshine,
Patty Carrillo


Class was ok today :\
the test was pretty hard for someone who didnt really read much :
I dont have my book yet, but hopefully by tomorrow i do.
i started researching more of my topic, which is Yad Vashem and i found a
pretty interesting video. its sad because an old guy cries :( awww poor him :*(
Im starting to learn more and i kinda seem to like it. just a little bit tho. i hope
as time passes i like it more :)
I hope i finish my paper soon. i really need to pass this class. i dont want to not GRADUATE!
ahhhhhh!!!! school makes no sense at times :(

What a day!

Today class was OK, our test today was no fair. I did read, but i forgot what i read especially since Monday. I believe if I reread what I read then I will get a better grade. Our test was basically on our notes we took and chapter one. Next time, I will make it my duty to receive a higher grade!

Jan 21st

Today Class was very exciting because we finished taking notes on WWI. Now I can't wait until we talk about Adolf Hitler I just think he is amazing how much power he had. I wish I could have me him although he would have killed me i think (lol). The test was a little hard even though I read my problem is that I can't remember names that easily. Dates are easier to remember. The reading was really interesting especially the Adolf Hitler section. I feel like I want to read Mein Kampf it looks interesting.
today class was fun because we finished our last slides for the holocaust. so yea!! i survived the "wonderful" notes of ms Ingram. i really learned a lot of things during the war, i think it was good in a way that Germany had to pay all the countries for the damage and were blamed for it. but in in another way no because it didn't stopped them from gaining power later on in World War II. but that's my opinion. also how the war dragged on so many other countries that had nothing to do with it. well all in all it was interesting and fun learning about it.:)

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

IT's GETTING SPICY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now I am starting to piece together things i learned last school year and this school year about the Holocaust and the world wars. Everything is making sense now, like why things took place like they did. I am looking forward to finding out what happens next after world war 1. Everything is coming so close to the Holocaust now that Germany is fired up. Also, I am still waiting to find what happen after the Holocaust.

Blog numero uno for the week.

Today we continued, as usual, on World War One. FORTUNATELY, we focused on the end of World War One.
I thought that it was interesting that the armistice happened at the 11th hour, on the 11th day, during the 11th month. We also learned that the Peace Conference took place in Paris and the United States was part of the "Big Three," along with France and Great Britain.
The Treaty of Versailles was the treaty that was supposed to bring peace to all the countries involved in the war. In my opinion, it did the complete opposite.
Well, that's where I left off because I got called out to take pictures. Eh! /: I wish we would have gotten a heads up about them! But, I can't complain. I got to miss part of 4th, all of 6th, and 7th period. (: Woot Woot!
Yours Truly,
Nessa (K]


So today in Holocaust class we were taking notes, you know Mrs. Ingram has those lengthy notes. She was just clicking away and I was just listening and listening and listening some more like always. Suddenly she got to this one slide that showed the economy after the War and I was in shock. There were about three or four boys on there and they looked completely sunken in. Their ribs were sitting out, and their arms and legs were as thin as spaghetti noodles. It was so horrible! They were dirty and very sickening. Today was the most horrible day for me. I don't like things like that. I'M KEEPING ALL THOSE WITHOUT FOOD, SHELTER, MONEY, THE PROPER CARE AND ETC. IN MY PRAYERS.

my days so far...

Yesterday was a horrible day for me.
i wasn't feeling good at all. I missed out on a lot.
When i got back to class i saw that they were really ahead in class.
Today, was a crazy day. Mrs Thompson had a couple of us taking pictures and
i missed out on a couple of my classes. Things haven't been the way i've wanted them to be.
I hope tomorrow is a better day than all other days this week.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

jan 19

today in class it was interesting because how the chemical weapons was first chlorine gas and mustard gas... chlorine gas was worse than the mustard gas couldn't smell it and also it attacks various things... today class it was interesting and i actually enjoyed it

Espionage :)

Well today class was very interesting !
I really like the espionage because spies are cool. Especially how they were women more instead of men. They would do anything to risk there own life just to get information, i find it crazy.
I also like the Zimmerman telegram because it involved the Mexicans to join but the telegram was stopped by the British. The British found out what the Germans were trying to do. But either way Mexico was not going to be involved with joining the Germans in war.

Jan 19th

Today class was very interesting because I can't believe how Germany had great ideas to killing people. They had really creative weapons like the chlorine gas was really amazing how it burns and melts your organs. I wonder how they came up those ideas. They were very high tech in those days. Who had better weapons Germany or the U.S?

Monday, January 18, 2010


i guess it is alright I've been researching my hero and i think that he is very interesting to me I'm working on paper and also my hero was the youngest from all his brothers and family i think that my hero is a cool person too me


blogging is alright i guess.. and my person is relly intersting his name is reverend martin niemoller he was born in Germany on January 14, 1892. he was a protastant. he relli wanted world peace and won many awards for being on commities. i luk forward to learning more.
OMG!! so i forgot all about my blogs this weekend. I just did one previously. LOL.
It's something i need to get used to. Just like i check facebook and myspace
and write on it, i need to remember as well about blogger :) Class doesn't start
until eleven so im still okay..i think :\...Miss Ingram said before class starts so im guessing
i am okay :) hopefully this blogger thing sticks to me. I had it programmed from my phone
but i don't know if it works. Who knows?? maybe i should ask Ingram ?? I think i will tomorrow :/
Wow so i started researching my topic already and i've got nothing.
i really don't understand much of it. I guess i have to ask for help :\
I have no idea how im going to write a paper on this and a 10 minute pp.
Holocaust seems hard now. Hopefully i'll find plenty of information soon to
start on my paper.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

I really havent started my paper yet. But i will get on that, I have been reading a bit about this guy that i have and seems interesting.
I really havent started my paper yet. But i will get on that, I have been reading a bit about this guy that i have and seems interesting.

Hey Sunshine ☼

I'm still working on the paper.
There is somewhat information on him.
I mean there are like...things that they think that idk unsure things.
I'm getting down to the facts.
Its getting late, so I'll stay up to research a little bit more.
Thank god i got a villain,
I actually did want one!
Goodnight! (:

Your Sunshine ☼,
Patty Carrillo
i was browsing throught google to see if i found any pictures of my villain. i found this funny picture and i thought of sharing it with the class. in case your reading and dont get the funny part, is just that my villain's name is "barbie klaus" so someone took a picture of him and made him look like a barbie. haha this research is starting to get good when you get random things. =] so far am enojoying it.

research on the villain

when i got my little piece of paper, first thing i did was laugh. sorry, but the person i got has a funny/awkward name. "klaus barbie" is the person i got to research on. from what i've learned, he's a horrible person. it gets me mad to see people's actions back then. i've read quite a few things, but i'll just leave it of like this. everything will soon be seen in the presentation. =]
Last week ok. There wasn't alot of note taking because Ms. Ingram gave us the slides for the notes and just put down anything that wasn't on there.

notes =]

the notes we've been taking are outstanding. i never knew nothing about ww1, and am getting to learn a lot. there's a bunch of notes that we take but the more i write the more i learn about history. hopefully things dont get hard as time goes by.
My villain is Dr. Josef Goebbels. I think he's goin to be interesting to learn about. And I hope to get a good grade on this project.

Holocaust Movies

So I saw the movie the diary of anne frank on cable.
I really like it because it talks about her life and the issues her family went through.
It heart breaking that she died and her father was the only one survived.
I believe she was a strong girl. The movie makes me cry so much.
Also there is a movie called the pianist, which is great. it shows more of the jews in the ghettos.
Every movie that talks about the holocaust is interesting and it makes me wonder how things were really bad back then.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

about my hero

my hero is van schufferberg i think that he is an awesome person to research about and actually I'm interesting in him i got more information about him but I'll just have to tell my people to wait and see until the actually day of the presentation and paper is due...... I'm really excited to research about my hero and I hope that everybody will like my hero........

MY HEAD IS IN THE CLOUDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

Right now I am currently looking for the movie Schindler's List. I want to watch it so I can have a better understanding of who he was. From the research that I have gathered so far he seem like a pretty cool person. Also, I saw that actual list he made, it was o long. I hope to learn a whole lot from this movie.
Mordechaj joined and later was chief commander of the organization ZOB. ZOB in english is Jewish Combat Organization. He thought that the jews should stand up for themselves and should be able to protect themselves. So he had many connections and stuff so he was able to get guns for some of the Jews. Which lead to a battle between the Jews in the ghetto and the Germans.
Am at the library to find a book but I didn't find any. So am just going to have internet sources.
My hero is Mordechaj Anielewicz. He has a nickname "Little Angel".

Friday, January 15, 2010

My research

So today I was researching about my villian Rudolf Hess.

I found interesting things about him, which are very odd.

He was not born in Germany, until he was fourteen he moved to Germany.

He was born in Alexandria, Egypt, April 26, 1894, the son of a prosperous wholesaler and exporter.

In WWI Hess was wounded twice, but later took flight lessons and became an airplane pilot.

Hess was somewhat neurotic member of Hitler's inner circle.
I really don't have anything to say, but that Holocaust is a very good class, and Ingram is a great teacher.
i like the Holocaust class so far. It seems to be a very interesting class, and i am looking forward to what we will come next. I don't know what Ms.Ingram plans to do in the future but i can't wait.
In Holocaust, we received our people( villains/heroes). My villain was Adolf Eichmann. From researching him, he seems to be a very evil person, who doesn't care or respect anyone but himself. Eichmann could not stand the Jews.He didn't like others but Jews were the ones that he hated the most.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Hey Sunshine ☼

You know something, class felt like it was never going to end.
For some reason it felt like that all day. I think it was just me (;
That Archduke guy that was assassinated well i kind find it pointless for that group in Serbia to kill him and his wife. Pretty dumb, but what ev'.
I very much would like to learn more about the Jews though' So Guess what?..I was watching the DVD you told me to watch (
by the way I left it on your seat in your office[Thompson told me to] )
Well the DVD was interesting, very long though' i very much enjoyed some parts. Will show the homework on Tuesday! Much love! I must get back to researching. byeee!

Your Sunshine,
Patty Carrillo ☼

holocaust class!!

well, today class was okay, everybody looked tired just waiting for the day end that's how i felt. im glad we are almost done with those 20 something slides. i reaserched on my guy and let me tell you he's ugly looking! big old mustache lol!! i hope i dont ran out of things to write about on my paper he seems to have alot info so thats good. hopfully my comes out good!!:)


I've been researching about my hero and i think that he is a very interesting person to write about because he did a lot of changes and also he was the youngest of all his sons and also he had many things to do with Hitler but also my hero he is an awesome person to research about and i hope that everybody will enjoy it.......

the blog

I'm really enjoying Holocaust even we have to write so many notes in holocaust but still i do enjoy holocaust even though ms.Ingram has to make us have to right allot of notes but still i really like enjoying that class... i want to finish my research paper about this hero i think that he is a really interesting person to research about i love my hero..... i think that he is an awesome person to research about......


I'm really enjoying class. Hope to have more fun and not just writing because it's tiring. Ms. Ingram is tormenting us with all those notes, I mean 56 slides that's a lot. Thanks to Ms. Ingram the slides where printed out. That was a great help because in other ways our hands would of hurt like hell. But it doesn't matter I'm hanging in there. I'm actually enjoying class. I never taught I was going to like Holocaust class at all but it's okay. Hope to learn more and get my paper done in time like Ms. Ingram wants it.


Well so far I have learned a lot about Wold War I. I have also learned a lot about Ferdinand and how he was murdered.I have learned about the central and allied powers. I have also learned how all those countries got involved in the war because their allied countries where going to war. To me that's is a dumb reason for getting sucked in a war that you don't know how things will end up. Now I know why Ferdinand was in Servia in the first place, and we are learning more.

JUST BLOGGING!!!!!!!!!!!!

Today in class, it was pretty calm, I learned so much stuff about Ferdinand that I didn't learn in world history. Today I found out why he was in Serbia in the first place. It was so cool to learn more than what i did since sophomore. Now I'm so excited to find out how the Events from World War I link to The Holocaust. I have somewhat of an idea of why, but I guess I will have to found!
Today class was kind of interesting because I think it was so stupid of them to think men weren't manly enough because of the shell shock! I wanted to stay in class but Ms.thompson called us to the library for the phoneathon. I rather take millions of notes in Holocaust than doing the phoneathon. Oh! and finally I bought my Holocaust book now I don't have to worry about it.

Crazy Facts About Hilter

• Hitler never allows anyone to see him while he is naked or bathing because he only had one testicle. He refuses to use cologne or scents of any sort on his body

• No matter how warm he feels, Hitler will never take off his coat in public

• In 1923, Nazi press secretary Dr. Sedgwick tried to convince Hitler to get rid of his trademark mustache or grow it normally. Hitler answered: "Do not worry about my mustache. If it is not the fashion now, it will be later because I wear it!"

• Hitler loves the circus. He takes real pleasure in the idea that underpaid performers are risking their lives to please him.

• He went to the circus on several occasions in 1933 and sent extremely expensive chocolates and flowers to the female performers. Hitler even remembered their names and would worry about them and their families in the event of an accident.

• He isn’t interested in wild animal acts, unless there is a woman in danger

• Nearly every night Hitler will see a movie in his private theatre, mainly foreign films that are banned to the German public. He loves comedies and will often laugh merrily at Jewish comedians. Hitler even liked a few Jewish singers, but after hearing them he would remark that it was too bad he or she wasn’t Aryan.

• Hitler staff secretly made films for him of torture and execution of political prisoners, which he very much enjoyed viewing. His executive assistants also secured pornographic pictures and movies for him.

& Hitler had an affair with his own niece...UGH
Well we are learning about WWI. I like the hand outs that you gave us. Also the pictures are cool. I like the cartoon with all the countries are different little figures like Russia is a huge old man. The country am excited in learning about is Germany because to me its the most interesting.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Blog 1: World War 1

So today we continued our lesson on World War One and I'm extremely grateful that we got the slides printed out! No hand cramps! :D So far we've learned about the Allied Powers: British Empire, Italy, France, Russia, and the United States; and the Central Powers: Austria-Hungary, Germany, and the Ottoman Empire/Turkey. We've also learned that France and England don't like Germany very much...Dun Dun Dun!!

Will blog again soon (: (don't really have a choice)

Mucho Loveeee,

Nessa [k]

The White Rose

The White Rose was a group formed by students at the University of Munich. This group was formed in 1941 and it was an Anti-Nazi congregation. Han and Sophie were both a part of this group as well as Inge Scholl, Christoph Probst, Alexander Schmorell, Willi Gruf, Jugen Wittenstein, and Kurt Huber.They wrote a series of leaflets that asked for social justice and the renaissance of the democracy in Germany.They painted anti-Nazi paintings on the side of houses like "Down With Hitler", "Hitler Mass Murderer", and "Freedom". In my opinion they where on of the most hands on heroes that I have read about so far. I am enjoying my research!

this week

so i got to choice a paper on the desk next to me so i pick a hero and his name is col. Claus Von stauffenberg actually he is very interesting hero to me i think i had heard him before but I'm not sure where i had heard him? he is cool hero and also i found many things about him like he was the youngest of three sons of one of the oldest and most distinguished that's about it i will find more information about him later

Pretty Much☼

So i definitely got a villain for my paper! ah
Does it really have to be 4-6 pages long? Well i guess so. I'm looking over some of the paper work right now. I'll be searching for him again later on. For now, I'll just listen to my euro electronica music. See you tomorrow! bye! <3

Patty Carrillo

my week soo far.

So miss Ingram decided to give us our hero/villain project already. OMG 10 slides for the powerpoint!!! ahhhh! definitely not cool. but i guess I'll have to try my best to do it. Lately class has been interesting. We've been learning about WWI which i kinda don't like, but in order to proceed i must learn about this once again but with much more detail. Im excited to know more about what led to the holocaust.

I hope you feel better Miss Ingram. Nelly LOVES you.

Holocaust Class

So, yesterday i was not in class because I was really sick. :(
But WOW ! was there a lot of notes that I probably missed out on.
Monday, was funny because Ms. Ingram went to out to find Jackie because she missed the blogging. Which first semester had like 600 posts !
We should try to beat them :D
I'm really excited to learn about my villain Rudolf Hess, I think that's his name.
He should be interesting, if not I'll make him interesting, 4 -6 pages is not bad ....
I hope i find enough info. on him.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

i am kind of excited to start the new villan/hero project i hope we had more time to do it though, but ''oh well''. i have a villan called Herman Goering i hope he is an interesting person to reaserch on, but usually villans do really crazy things so i think it will be cool to learn about. well today class was okay the good thing about notes is that we didnt have to write all those slides becauseit its alot. so thank you ms. ingram for doing that. excited to learn new things that happened during the WWI and learn more about what the germany did to take over. well that's all for now.later!! :)
Today the class was okay. I really liked that Ms. Ingram printed out the slide show and we didn't have to take a whole lot of notes. The Map of Europe she showed us was really cool it show how the countries are characterized by the way they act in real life. I would like to put it in my room. The class felt weird because a whole lot of students were missing, I wonder why? oh! and I already started working on my paper yey! just 2 more pages left!

Holocaust Class!!

Today, I had to pick my hero or villain. So, I got to heroes and they are Hans and Sophie Schools of the White Rose. I've never heard of these people in my life, but I do honor the fact that they made and effort to put an end to the Holocaust. Although, I really love learn about the Holocaust, I'm not very excited about this. I am praying that when U start researching that what I found out about these two people are very interesting.I hope they are not the typical type of heroes I really hope they did something to make them really stand out from other heroes in the Holocaust.
Today was a funny day in class because we all got to choose our vilian or hero that we have to do a paper on. I chose Oskar Schindler, the only thing I know about him is that he have a movie about him. I feel pretty good about this person, he seem like an interesting person. Also today in class Thompson got on me and my eating habits, but it's cool she know I love to eat. I really can't wait untill we get deeper into the class.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Today 01/11/10

Today's class was pretty fun, It was so funny what Mrs. Thompson said to Shanyce, (Lol). I got surprised of how long the powerpoint has to be for our first project. I have never done a 15 slide powerpoint. I got a hero, I wanted a villain they are much more interesting and their stories have lots of action, and tragedies. Maybe next time. I am really looking forward to the paper, it is not that bad Ms. Noonan makes us do essays every week and 10 page research paper. So I know I can do it, piece of cake!

My first introduction

Hi i am Carla and I am kind of interested in Holocaust even though I haven't taken this class since grade school so I am hoping to learn new things in Holocaust that I haven't learned before so I am really excited to learn new things this semester. I hope to learn why such a thing happened. I hope to get a good grade.
The Longest Hatred was an interesting movie. The people that put graffiti on the gravestones of Jews were wrong and disrespectful. I feel that it is wrong to bother the resting place of any person. The movie talked about how people were against the Jews. The way they treated the Jews was so wrong. The movie showed just how the people were against the Jews for no reason.
Ms. Ingram, I have heard many different things about the Jews and I am interested to learn more. I plan to take good notes, pay attention in class, and participate in the classroom discussions. This class seems to be interesting and I look forward to learning more about the Holocaust. I look forward to this upcoming week. Holocaust seems to be a difficult class, but if I pay attention I should be okay.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Ms. Ingram I have heard many Jewish people on t.v that they feel ashamed of being jewish and that they don't even want to talk hebrew because it brings back bad memories of the Holocaust. So I was wondering, because you a German I think. Do you feel ashamed of your race or hate against the Jews in someway? If you don't want to answer this question you dont have to. Just wondering.
Last week I really liked the movie the Longest hatred! It is very intersting. I think it was very rude and disrespectfull when in the beggining they show tombstones and many nazi's did graffiti and drawing the swatsikaw (I think i mispelled it). Anyways, How there they! It makes me so mad. I can't wait for the field trip!
I hope we watch more movies. I also hope that i do get a good grade in this class. Am really looking forward to the field trip. It would be really cool to have a speaker too.

The movie we started watching was okay. Sorda boring but the whole thing about the church was interesting. Even the church blamed the Jews which is sad. Also the saints were angry towards the Jews which really surprised me. I heard but i don't know if it's true that the Pope was supportive of the Nazis when he was little?

hello everyone
Well am excited to learn about the Holocaust. I don't know why but am really interested to learn about all the gory things and like crazy stuff they did to people. Also about Hitler, I know he's physco but am really interested in him. Like all his dumb and stupid ideas really make me laugh. When you really think about it he could have been a good leader if he wasen't stuck on the idea that the Jews were to blame for all the problems in Germany. So even though the class might drag and stuff but am also looking forward to all the interesting things that might come up.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Umm idk what to write about so...
I hope to try and pay good attention in this class and get a good grade so I can pass it. Also to keep up with the work we get and get a good grade in projects we do and papers.

I have learned new things from the first week in this class. Like how they used the blood on children to make the unleavened bread. Also how jews were the blame of the death of jesus when the romans were the ones who put him up for his death.

What im expecting in the holocaust class is more knowledge on the holocaust and what happened. Also I want to learn on why they did what they did. To be honest I really didnt want to take the class in the first place because i heard that there was a lot of work and notes, which i found out that the notes part is true.


Friday, January 8, 2010

Introduction ☼

Hi Miss Ingram!

You are awesome! I'm most been definitely excited to learn some crazy words I won't be able to pronounce. When I was in grade school i read a lot of books! There was one book that always had my heart pounding, it was WE ARE WITNESSES by Jacob Boas. It was a great book! Its about their diaries, both boys and girls, the good thing about it was that they survived the Holocaust. I know that you are going to challenge us and really give us a load of notes, but its okay! (:

Your Sunshine, ☼

Patty Carrillo

My First Introduction

Well I'm really excited about blogging it;s the first time I do this so I hope to enjoy it. I'm also excited about learning more on the Holocaust. I have never taken a class like this but I think it will help me a lot. Hopefully I will enjoy this class, so Ms. Ingram make your class fun. I really want to understand the whole meaning behind the Holocaust, and what issues lead to it. This class will help explain a lot of things that are not very clear at this point. Hope to have a great time and to enjoy myself while learning in class and having fun with my classmates.


Ich Liebe die Holocaust I think it is really amazing and very interesting. I just can't believe how one person in the world can make a big holocaust. I know Hitler was a bad person but at the same time I admire him of how much power he had. So I am really looking forward to this class and discussing with my classmates and reading their ideas in this blog. Holocaust is my favorite class even if you give us lots of notes.


I'm so excited to learn more about the Holocaust. It has been one of the worst tragics in history. It is good experience that we have a whole semester to learn about the history in the Holocaust. I like there is a lot to learn, and it would be easier for me to understand of what actually happened.
I'm excited for the cool movies were going to see. I'm VERY excited to hopefully go to a field trip also. This class is going to be a lot of hard work.. but it should be lots of fun. ;)
So, if my hand falls off becuause of the notes we have ( which are like 20 or more slides) ugh. I blame this class. Love you Mrs. Ingram :)

- Vanessa Lopez

Nelly's introduction Jan 8, 2010

Well, although i heard Holocaust isn't as fun as all other classes
i am hoping to really enjoy this class just as i enjoyed art :)
Holocaust isn't as tough as i expected it to be yet but i am ready to learn much more about the history.
Notes are gonna be a pain in the butt but i am looking forward to those 70 something slides :\
my hand will eventually get tired but it'll be worth it because i am really interested in history.
okay so i don't know what else to'm done here :)


I am really anxious to learn new things in my Holocaust class. looking forward to all the projects we have to do. even though the notes are a little bit to long but i have been learning a lot of things i didn't know about. I am also excited about the field trip we are taking in the end of the year to the Holocaust museum.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Introduction *

This is my first ever blog. Ahh! How exciting! (:
I'm extremely eager to learn more about the Holocaust. In eighth grade, I learned about the Holocaust and read a play in Literature class based on The Diary of Anne Frank.
I don't believe that anyone would disagree with me when I say that the Holocaust was one of the most horrific and tragic events in history.

Well, I'm going to get back to watching Twilight (:

Love always,

Vanessa <3*


I'm so excited for Holocaust class because I am ready to dig deep into the history behind this terrible event. So far, I'm enjoying the class and learning more stuff I never knew before. Sometimes the notes are to long but I think I can handle them. I can not wait until the trip at the end of the year to the museum. I want to suck in the stories of the survivors.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Welcome to my 2nd Semester Class!!

Hello Ladies!

Welcome to your blog!!!!

I am hoping that each and every one of you will share your thoughts, insights, questions and musings! This blog is a place for you to discuss the week's goings on as well as your thoughts/feelings about the topics we discuss in class. You can also share information about the novels we read and the papers/presentations you will be doing.

I am asking you to post at least 3 blogs by every Monday for the previous week. These entries need to be at least one paragraph (4-6 sentences) in length and should be written using standard English/grammar. Students are also encouraged to comment on each other's entries--keep the comments relevant and do not demean each other. More than 3 blogs per week will earn you extra credit--as will meaningful/relevant comments on each other's blogs! :)

I will also post weekly--please feel free to comment on my entries as well! :)

I look forward to lots of interesting and informative interaction on this blog!!!!