Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Blog Uno for thee Week <--

Yesterday we started our presentations. Of course Shanyce went first. Everyone must admit, she has guts. Shanyce, you did great love (she likes when I call her love)!
Today we continued with presentations and once presentations were over we continued with notes...what a surprise-NOT. We continued to learn about Hitler and his extremely boring book, Mein Kampf. Notes weren't too bad today thanks to the presentations but I guess that does mean more days to write. Either way, my hand is still going to hurt.
I decided I want to do my presentation. I had Dr. Josef Mengele. He's a villian and the things he did would amaze you, in a bad way. I would give some facts, but that can wait until class. What can I say, I like surprises!

No School tomorrow, so yay!

TTFN -- Ta Ta For Now!

-Nessa [k]

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