Sunday, January 24, 2010

Yay! ☼

Yay! I finished the paper and the power point!like two days ago!just didn't feel like blogging.ah (: omg i really hate him! He is like...ugh!
I hated doing the research about him! It was interesting, but i didn't like most of the things i read in websites. He needs to go to hell!
like literally, Hitler follows him with that too! plus he never had a love life! omg.
What a person can do so much and control so much land! Its insane, well miss Ingram its 2:11 am! And I just got home from a party! I said to myself I was going to Blog on Saturday so here I'm, i know its not Saturday anymore, but to me it is, since i haven't slept yet! aha what a night! I must get some rest for tomorrow! goodnight!

Your Sunshine,
Patty Carrillo

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