Friday, January 22, 2010

Where to begin...

Today we started our notes on Chapter One. I felt like I was reading the chapter over again. I have to admit I realized I didn't remember everything I should have, so it helped. (: I think what intrigues me the most about people who were Anti-Semites "back in the day" is how stubborn they seem. They just could not leave the Jewish people alone. First it was their religion that was the issue, but once all the people hating on the Jews finally got it into their thick skulls that they weren't going to convert they had to come up with another reason to punish and humiliate the Jews. Now all of a sudden Jews are no longer being hated for their religion; however, they're being hated for "being an inferior race." Ugh. People can be so ignorant at times. In this case, for centuries! My final thought? --- > Not cool!

.Nessa (K).

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