Thursday, January 21, 2010


Today in Holocaust class a saw a picture of Hitler when he was younger and he was the most interesting thing I've ever seen in my life. He had this little patch above his lips that was supposed to be a mustache. I could not stop laughing; In fact, I'm still laughing now at this very moment. So, after class I kind of forgot about it. So now I'm in Ingram's office right now and there it is big ugly face of Hitler. I think it's a doll and a pinata, but they are so hideous. I just can't stop laughing! PLEASE HELP ME!!


  1. That picture is extremely ridiculous;


    -nessaaa k.

  2. Let's not use LMFAO, shall we?! :)

  3. Oh wow that doll is crazy. These pics are too funny...
