Tuesday, March 30, 2010

March 30

excited tomorrow for the Holocaust field trip but the good thing is that we are going to miss class that's good jk... and the Easter Hunt i hope it will be fun even though if i am going to miss but still we are coming back just in time for the Easter Hunt

Monday, March 29, 2010

March 29

last week it went pretty fast actually we finished chapter 7 and we had a quiz on that. so today it went pretty fast but i cannot wait for the Holocaust field trip on Wednesday i know that it is going to be excited and i cannot wait for that. especially on Wednesday that we are having the Easter hunt so excited but tomorrow our book review is due... excited for the field trip on Wednesday because on Wednesday we are not having any classes jk lol....

March 29

Last week went by fast. We also did a lot in class. All the chapters are really interesting and give a lot of details on the Holocaust. We have been moving pretty fast in the book too. And we also have a project due tomorrow. We have our book review. And we just need three more days and we are off on spring break. I also can't wait for our trip on Wednesday and also our easter egg hunt when we get back from the trip.
My grade is Holocaust was good. It was what I expected. The class looks easier now somehow. I really enjoy learning about it. I never thought that I would be so interested in this class. At first I didn't wan to take it. But I think that now it's worth it. We learn a lot from it so we won't make the same mistakes again against human beings.
Last week we finished chapter 7 notes and vocabulary. We also took a test on chapters 5 trough 7. The test was pretty good. I think that it was actually better than the other ones. The class so far has been interesting. We have learned a lot about the Holocaust. I'm also excited to go to the Holocaust Museum. It looks like they are very strict but hopefully we will have a good time.
Thank God it's almost spring break...I'm going to have so much fun not being at school. Can't wait til May 29.....
Our class trip is Wednesday. I'm glad we are going to the Holocaust Museum. I think it's going to be fun. I can't wait.
The test that we took was pretty easy. I thought it was going to be one of those test where you would have to come back to finish, but I was wrong. Than God I was wrong. I can't wait to see my test. I hope everybody did well!!!!

Sunday, March 28, 2010

The test we took...idk when it was we took it but I know we took one was ok. I sorda studied and I did my best so I hope I get a good grade.
The book was awsome! It was way better then the last book. But I haven't started on the power point. I loved how she would describe all the different food and how she would describe the smells of them and it just felt like I was there with her smelling and tasting the food! lol
Am so excited for the field trip! But it's bummer that we can't take cameras. I am really looking forward to the train part. Also seeing all the different types of stuff from the Holocaust and I wonder what happened to all their stuff? Hummmm...

Red Coat Chick

This week I found out that the author of The Girl In The Red Coat was actually the little girl! She found out through Shindler's List the movie. I was so shocked when I that out cause I would freak out if that was me. The cool thing about it is her coat was the only color that was shown in the movie.


I can't wait until the field trip on Wednesday. I looking forward to meeting the Holocaust survivor as well, I might just shed a few tears. I want to be touch by his or her story about their time in "hell". I'm so ready to look at the exhibits and really objects from back then. The crazy thing is when I arrive back at school I have to wear a bunny costume.

Hey Sunshine ☼

I'm so excited for the Holocaust museum
you have no idea
i wish i could take a camera but i know its against rules
The weather seems o.k
I love the sunshine
I will enjoy some later on

Your Sunshine,
Patty Carrillo ☼

Hey Sunshine ☼

the science fair went... it went good
I love my poster
I think all the winners did their best
i even had to translate it in Spanish for some of the kids parents
I think it went well

Your Sunshine,
Patty Carrillo ☼

Hey Sunshine ☼

I finished reading the book
It was a good book
sometimes it took my heart away
it was a good book to read

Your sunshine,

Patty Carrillo ☼

Saturday, March 27, 2010

can't wait to go to the holocaust museum on wed. the only thing that i don't like is the rules. they are to strict espacially the names on the lunches and that they have to be in a brown bag, crazy.well the good thing about it is that we are actualy giong and missing class jk. well all i need to this weekend is to finish the book and see what happens next ;)
so our novel is due tuesday and i starded reading the book and its really interesting its way better than the other book. the other book sometimes didn't make sense to me but the girl in the red coat its starts off her talking when she's old which i think really grabs the readers attention. and then it kind of goes back to her past when she was a little girl and describes her past in the ghetto. cant wait to read the rest:)

field trip!!fun!!

well this week in holocaust was pretty normal. we had our chapter test, it was okay i really studied for this one and i have answered all of them. I especially studied the vocab. so I have a good feeling of getting a decent grade. so the field trip, Im excited to see the exhibits and especially the person who is giong to spaek. which i think its really kool that they have the guts to tells us their experience which is not easy to do since its really personal and depressing:(

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Field Trip !!

I'm so excited for the Field Trip we have next week Wednesday.
Its a new museum and i cant wait to see it.
I really don't like the rules but i guess they are just protecting it.
The only museum i went to about the Holocaust is the one in Washington D.C when I was in
8th grade. It was a great experience because i saw a lot of things. We didn't have a guide talking to us, I wish we did. I feel like this museum is going to be way better.


So I always hate the test for holocaust >.<
Nothing against it but I always hate that I forget things quickly.
I study really hard for it and i just completely blank out.
Its usually the dates that get me confused because there is a lot of dates to remember that are very important in history of what happened.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Holocaust Museum

I am so excited for the Holocaust Museum Field Trip. It would be a lot better if we could take a camera so when I go home I can show my family. I definitely want to buy a souvenir. I am so glad we finally finished chapter 7 notes. I hope I pass this Test with a perfect score, so I am going to study a lot.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010


class today was kind of boring because we didn't really learn anything we did but some kids where just tired and idk with the rest of the students lol :}
Class today was boring because I wanted to learn something else with more action and torture (lol). I was really surprised that we had only four vocabulary words, and I completely forgot we even had a project due Tuesday! good thing I got the calendar today. I think those zwei old men do deserve to go to prison or death because they had no compassion for anyone not even old men why should Germany have compassion for them. They deserve to pay the consequences!
class yesterday was very interesting especially chapter 6 I thought that the Nazis were really smart because they searched for Jews that hid between the floor or the ceiling and it is really incredible how it was really hard to escape death. Nazis threw grenades, lied to teenagers and used their German dogs to sniff the Jews. I am so thankful I wasn't born in Germany in those times.
The fact that some of the Jews played God with people lives show just how cruel some of them were. I don't think I could have been a part of the Jewish Council and the Jewish Police.
It's crazy how the Jews had to choose who died and who didn't die. I found that to be harsh because they had to choose between their families or strangers. Some killing themselves shows that they were under a lot of pressure. The pressure would have been unbearable for me too.

Monday, March 22, 2010

snitching for a good reason

Were I come from snitching can get you killed, so did the Jews during the holocaust. I can't imagine had hard it would to kill your own people if you was an Jewish police or councilor. It would be hard for me to snitch on my own people. It make me scare to think about snitching to the cops about someone around my house. I salute all those who had those jobs, they were brave.
I can't wait for this week to start because we only have 4 days in school. I can't wait to receive my report card.
The chapter we had to read over the weekend was very sad. The people had to choose whether to save the community or save themselves and their families. The Jewish Council had some terrible choices to make. I don't know how they made some of their choices.

Sunday, March 21, 2010


Gypsies seem so weird, I want to meet one. Back then, I wonder how you can tell who's a Gypsies? Something times, I wonder what they do on a daily bases. If I was a Gypsies, I would put a spell on one of the Nazis and stole their valuables. I wonder do they exist now and days?

I NEED A BOOK!!!!!!!

I need that Red Coat Girl book and I need it fast. I want to read because people have told me it was good. Even though reading is not my cup of tea, I still think this is going to be a good book. Like last time, I'm going to write a book report because power-points are difficult. I'm looking foward to this book because the last book was boring.

this week

Each week of class shocks me with something new. This week I learned about homosexual men and their role in the Holocaust. They were killed as well; they had to wear pink to indicate themselves. The crazy thing about it is, they didn't mess with gay women. The women had it better even though they wasn't really important.
I still haven't got the book yet but i will soon. I think the book is going to be interesting because that's what most people said about it so im excited to read it because i never read it.
Chapter 8 is crazzy! The deprotations must of been really sad. Separating the families and knowing you're not going to see them again must be hard. It just pisses me off.
So i got a passing grade in my quarter exam. I think the knowing the laws part was kind of hard because i got mixed up with some. I hope im passing the class. Almost less than 2 months of school left, im really excited. Then our class and some other seniors are going to the Holocaust museum im also excited for that because alot of people said it was fun and interesting to look around at.

The Girl in the Red Coat

The book is pretty good so far. It's really sad. I haven't gotten far but what I read so far it's just so depressing. Especially the part with the grandma and how they take her away.
I past the exam! Yess! It was hard and I kinda studied. I never get the law, they always get me. The vocab was the easier part.

Hey Sunshine ☼

im with my boyfriend Eder
everytime i learn something new in holocaust
i tell him and sometimes he finds me extremely boring
im so excited for the science fair
you must go
its this saturday
i have some things in mind...
O did i tell u we have to dress up(business like)
Im gonna have to come up with an outfit... you know me!

Your Fashionista,
Patty Carrillo ☼

Hey Sunshine ☼

My weekend is well.
im in search of a puppy
i believe i found one.
its at a shelter in the north side
its absolutley adorable
its really cute and small
but life is just great

from your sunshine,
Patty Carrillo ☼

Hey Sunshine ☼

my weekend went by ok.
im so happy i did good on my test.
I didnt know i could learn so many words in one night.
next time i wont procrastinate...
i swear

your sunshine,
Patty Carrillo ☼

Saturday, March 20, 2010

In class we also started and finished chapter 6, whuich was "The Other Victums". This chapter was really interesting. Because we found out that the Nazis just didn't like the Jews but they didn't like the gypsies, homosexuals, polish, russian soldiers, and another group that i forgot. But they also killed a lot of their own people. I guess that the germans just wanted the whole world to themselves. I was amazed but what the Nazis did for all this people.
Well we got our exams back. And I did kinda good but I do need to study more for the next tests. Ms. ingram said that no one is failing that only one person has a "D". Which is pretty good in my opinion for the class. So far everything is good in class and we have learned a lot. It is interesting how the Nazis did what they did. I just hope that it never happens again becuase it is horrifying. I guess that's why we have to take these type of classes so we can learn and not make the same mistakes again.


In Holocaust class we did a lot this week. On Monday we did test corrections and studied for our examz. I got a better grade after the test corrections. i just hope that my grade is good. On another day we just took notes becuase ms. Ingram was at a meeting. It was hard just taking notes without having her explaining what it talks about. Well she explained it after, which was good. Everything is good so far.

Friday, March 19, 2010


I feel really bad for the homos
Especially if they had to get their penis cut off :)
that must hurt like S***. lol
Also the lesbians had it easy that they didn't get hurt also
because they "couldn't"resist the aryan male. that is really hypocritical.
Actually this subject of killing their own kind is hypocritical.
OMG! I am so happy today when I saw my exam score it was so beautiful! I am so proud of myself. I didn't even study that much for the exam and I got it right. Chapter six is very interesting I can't believe they treated gay men so badly and not women. I can't wait to read chapter seven this is all very interesting. I am thinking of maybe majoring in History or something that has to do with the Holocaust in college. Ich liebe Holocaust!
Everybody please remember to blog, read, and do your vocab. We need to make sure our grades are good.
I did good on my exam for Holocaust. I'm just curious about what my grade was for the quarter. I hope I made the A Honor Roll.
This week has been going good. I'm glad that it is finally over. Holocaust has been good we been having too many notes though. Thank God the week is over and I don't have to come to school for two days.

Thursday, March 18, 2010


today in class it went pretty fast but most people were just tired and some were sleepy but i didn't felt asleep in that class i was tired but idk why maybe cause i was doing something that distracted me at home yesterday idk/ LOL

Checked Through 3-15

Evening All!
I just finished checking 3/1-3/15  and guess what?  Two people didn't blog AT ALL!!!! Nelly and Marlisa!!! UGH!!!!!

And a few of you only blogged 2 or 3 times over two weeks! 

Come on Ladies, get back in GEAR!!!!

The chapter six exam was pretty easy today, I hope I get them all correct. I am glad Ms. Ingram is back because I seem to understand better when she is explaining it, she is very detailed and explains to us what some words mean. I was glad today we didn't take any notes because we took them yesterday. Ms. Ingram when can we see what we got on out quarter exam?

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

happy Saint Patricks day

today in class miss Ingram wasn't there so our sub was Lesly actually she did a really good job in changing the slides but even though it was a lot off notes but we still made it through. we just needed four more slides :}

Today st. Pat's Day

Today Ms. Ingram wasn't here with us in class or any substitute. Lesly did a great job changing the slides. It was kind of weird not having someone talking and explaining but everything went well. We need four more slides. I felt so bad for the children and adults who got killed because they were retarded, or a sickness. I also felt bad for the homosexuals because many of them got harassed, killed or they made them sleep with prostitutes. That is so unfair and cruel.
well this week is kinda lame i hated the EXAMS!! especially geomerty and holocaust! they were so hard! i was soo nervous! and i failed my geometry exam with a 66! i was mad and i studied! so that sucks.im relli excited to learn more about hitler he is getting relli interesting i wanna kno wen he dies cuz hes a mean person! LOL jk.jk.even thoo i kno wen he dies cuz ms. jamieson spoiled it for me in class today!!..
im soo excited! for opening night thursday i hope you guys can come!! but im kinda nervous but then at the same time im not! cnt wait for the cast and crew parties! this play is cumn out really goood! im gunna be relli sad wen the musical is completly over! cuz im going to miss my frnds! even tho i kno were guna hang out eventually! im gunna miss them a ton!


Tuesday, March 16, 2010

march 16

Holocaust is actually pretty good but we had a exam in that class but i actually studied for that exam and i hope that i passed it and all those other exam i took today but Holocaust it is kind of interesting but a lot of notes but i got the hang of it
Today I was really nervous at first during Pre-calculus I didn't want the period yo end (lol) I thought the exam was going to be really hard but once I started it I thought it was really easy! I can't wait to see my score, I am hoping for an A. The question I got stuck on was the Enabling act I couldn't remember what was the other name for that. The vocab was the easiest part, and the rest was all good. I am so relieved this is over.
Holocaust is a cool class. I know our test is going to be long, but we should be good. I can't wait until all these test are over. They are too stressful. Thank God the quarter is almost over and I'm ready to graduate.
Class yesterday was good. We didn't really do anything, but study. I'm think I'm ready. I hope I'm ready. We are going to see in a few hours.
Today is the Holocaust exam....I'm a little worried, but I studied so I should be good. GOOD LUCK EVERYBODY

Monday, March 15, 2010

Since we're having our test tomorow it means no notes, but unfortunately we have to take a test which is going to be like 1,000 pages long lol. But anyways i think its going to be easy if you studied really good and took your time looking over your notes. I did the study guide for extra credit because i think im going to need it.
Today we worked on either doing test corrections or on the study guide. I worked on the test corrections. Im kindof nervous for the quarter exam tomorrow because i think its going to have a lot of vocab and a lot of dates, but i studied and i hope i pass it.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

number (3)

Ha. Stupid computer! I clicked "enter" after I was done typing the title and it posted a blank entry.

Holocaust class this week was depressing. It was nothing but s-trucks and meetings about intelligent men wanting to kill millions of people.

Chapters four and five really opened my eyes. You hear about all these terrible situations for the Jews and it becomes unbeliveable when you learn about them in detail.

Finals (1,3,7) tomorrow-I'm nervous.
I need to get back to my study guides.

Happy studying classmates!

-NeSsA k

I agree (3)

The most thing am worried about on the test is the dates and the German words! I get the dates sometimes but the words agh they are confusing! But I am going to try my best.
So today was so cold compared to other days! grrr
Anyway class during this week was sad. All the crazy things the Nazis did was so physco! I mean how can a person sit down to have a meeting on how they were going to kill millions of people.
This week has flown by but I don't want the weekend to end! I wish it was Friday night! Well the study guide is pretty long. I am really going to study for this test. I didn't do so good on the other one because I thought it was going to be much easier! But ooh well.
ms ingram this study guide is driving me nuts!! there is alot on here that is insane! i am more nervous for this test then geometry! and i cnt stand geometry! but i am going to try to do the extra credit! i also cant wait till we get the exmas over so all i have to worry about is GREASE!! <3 opening night is thursday! hope u have your tickets! and im really dissapointed that i cant go to the SOPHMORE SLEEPOVER!! :( ive been looking forward to that ever since i came to olt. but oh well life givess you things that are unexpected and you just have to move on!



They pop pills like champaign bottles; literally. How could one pill kill so many people. I wonder if anyone escape that death trap. While the people were making this pill, I wonder if it cross their mind that these are people they're killing not germs. I hope they got what they deserve.

death trucks

It shocked me when I learned about those vans they used to kill the Jews. It clever in such a terrible way to put the red cross on the truck to trick them into thinking it's a hospital van. I would hate to hear the screams from the back of the van of people dying. After that, it would suck to drag the bodies out of those pyramids. I would kill myself if I had that job.


Hi, you guys was right I did needed to go to the doctor but I found out the hard way. I was in the hospital this weekend extremely sick and in so much pain. I never felt pain like this in my life, so next time I will listen. While I was laying there, I started to think about the Jews who was very sick like me but they couldn't get help. When they thought they was getting help they still died.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Hurry Up Summer! ☼

Okay, Just want to get over with this (:

must we go on....yes (:

I'm so full! ahhh

i just came home from dinner with the novio<3
It was good
Went to olive garden!
Life is Great!

Your Love,
Patty Carrillo ☼
so i was bored, and like.... you can really find some dumb stupid stuff
aha look at what I Found....--> we have a traitor

Your Sunshine,
Patty Carrillo

Hey Sunshine ☼

Hows Everything!?

so far the busiest week ever!
we must discuss some words on the study guide!
driving me crazy!

never again am I going to search engine the words,
they really come out with some Nazi bullhonkie

Much Love,
Patty Carrillo ☼

last blog yay.!

last blog and my task is complete hehehe =]
well this week, part of it was good and part was horrible.
notes were'nt that severe but that one test,
left me speechless. i was confident but after seen my
score i noticed i should definitely study more.! so like i
said my weekend will be spent doing HOLOCAUST
HOMEWORK.! ms.ingram dont you just enjoy
seen us suffer =/

eh. =/

test blog test blog test blog.
ahhhhh i hate when it comes to having exams.
i get super nervous and end up doing horrible in tests.
=/ grrrrr makes me want to give up on my self,
but i learned to keep my head up.
hopefully next week goes well.


The test was hard. I had troubles and did horrible.
So my weekend will be spent doing quiz corrections and the study guide.
I definitely need extra credit so i will do as much as possible so my grade will be brought up.
(p.s if i end up in academic assistance i will not play soccer =[ )

Friday, March 12, 2010

Today we still took more notes. We finished chapter 5 notes. Those notes where the shortest so far. We also got our test back and the two quizzes we had taken. All I know is that I really need to study for the exam if I want to pass it. We also did the chapter 5 vocabulary. It was supposed to be homework but thnaks to God I was able to finish in calss. I didn't need extra work over the wekend. I already have enough with all the study guides due on Monday.


Well yesturday we took notes in class and talked about how we where feeling. We also talked about our study guide for our quarter exam. The test looks like if it is going to be long and hard. To me the test we took on Monday wasn't that easy. And I hope that at least I get a passing grade on the quarter exam. And hopefully I also get to finish all those study guides that teachers give because they are long.


The final Solution ...
Ugh ! I really don't know what to say about this because it was horrible of what they were thinking of plans to kill all the Jews. They were just having lunch and smoking like they didn't care.. which they didn't most likely. Most of the Jews died in death camps. The Nazi's were planing of different ways of killing a lot of Jews at the same time at once.
this weekend i am going to do my test corrections because i know i need to correct a lot. and we might need that info for the exam. my book is riping apart that is cheap binding. i liked reading the chapters they tell you a lot of information that happened during the holocaust. they tell you a lot of details. at first i thought that reading all those chapters will be boring but now that i read they seem interesting. i glad we are finished with all those Hitler's notes they were long :) well cant wait for the weekend:)
well so far class has been going well, i cant wait to read the girl in the red coat it seems like as good book to read. i remember watching the movie in 8th grade it was sad. in the movie everything was all black and white except for the girl in the red coat, she was lost in the movie she didn't have anybody with her she eventually got found and she was killed by the German. poor little girl. i cried when i saw the movie it was so sad:( ms. Ingram we should watch in class after we read the book.
Today class was very cool. There wasn't a lot of notes, class was just peaceful. I'm glad. Today we received our test back, I did a lot better than what I thought I would. I'm going to do my corrections over the weekend because I know that information is going to be on the exam and it's extra credit. I'm also going to do the study guide because that's extra credit too. Overall this week, class was great. Can't wait until finals.
well i am glad it's Friday and the weekend is almost here. this weekend i am going to study for the holocaust and do that study guide. today class was okay, we took some notes on chapters 5 i can't believe we are already on 5. we have a lot of vocab well sometimes like chapter 2 that was a
lot. i did bad on test by the way, it was hard i couldn't remember all that vocab that was to much to remember i just did what i could remember. it was hard. i wonder how long the quarter exam is going to be. i did good on my reading quiz i got an A :)
TGIF...I'm so happy that the week is over. Exams are next week so this weekend is dedicated to studying I guess. I'm going out this weekend for a little while because it's going to be nice besides the rain. Can't wait until tomorrow!!!!!!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

While many people will have three exams a day, unfortunately I will have two exams on Monday and four Tuesday. I'm really against that. I don't see why we are changing our schedule for service. All I can do is hope that I do good on the tests. Can't wait till they are over.
Today we received our study guide. I'm glad because this test is going to be something crazy. I know that the exam is going to be long if the test that we had earlier this week was long. I just hope that I will be able to remember all those laws and dates.


Today's Holocaust class was amazing! So earlier today, it was pretty ugly outside and I was having a kind of gloomy day. When we got into Holocaust the sun started to shine out of no where! It was so amazingly weird and I loved it. It just made my day soo much better! Then, Mrs.Ingram made me laugh with her sarcasm and of course that Hitler never fails to excite me. That little nut-ball!! Oh I love Holocaust!
Class has been very interesting this week. This week we had so many tests. I'm glad that the week is almost over. Things have been great for me so I hope that they continue to be that way.
Class was good today. We will start getting ready for our exams that are coming up next week soon. I'm glad that this quarter is almost over. Holocaust has been a cool class so far. I hope everyone does well on their exams next week.

3rd Quarter Study Guide...

Hope this works!!!! :)


The 3rd Quarter Holocaust Exam will take place on Tuesday, March 16 during 4th period.  It is IMPERATIVE that all students be on time for exams—late students will be excluded from the exam and will receive a 0%.  Your Quarter exam counts as 10% of your 3rd Quarter Grade and WILL NOT BE DROPPED AS YOUR LOWEST TEST GRADE FOR THE QUARTER.

The exam will be matching and short answer .  It will cover ALL material we’ve gone over thus far this quarter→ the information we covered on World War I, Adolf Hitler & Chapters 1, 2, 3 & 4 in your Textbook. 


C1 Vocab:  blood libel, usury, Pale of Jewish Settlement, Wilhelm Marr, "The Triumph of Jewry Over Germanism", anti-Semites Petition, "The Handbook of anti-Semitism", "Foundations of the Nineteenth Century", "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion", German Workers' Party, National Socialist German Workers' Party, Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei, Nazi Party, Mein Kampf, Aryan (Nazi definition & real definition), ghetto, Reichmark

C2 Vocab:  chancellor; Emergency Decree; Enabling Act; Dachau; Joseph Goebbels; Jude; Juda Verrecke!; Heinrich Heine; Aryan Law; Law for the Retoration of the Civil Service; Nuremberg Laws; The Law for the Protection of German Blood and German Honor; The Reich Citizenship Law; Judenrein; Jesse Owens; Aryanized; Kristallnacht; Der Sturmer

C3 Vocab:  Yiddish, generalgouvernement, Reinhard Heydrich, "The Jewish Question in the Occupied Territories", Lodz Ghetto, Vilna Ghetto, Warsaw Ghetto, Jewish Council/Judenrat, "black pearls"

C4 Vocab: Einsatzgruppen, mobile killing vans/s-trucks, Ordnungspolizei, Order Police, “The Jew Hunt”, Wehrmacht, genocide

Misc Vocab (from Notes/Lectures/Textbook):
    shtetl                Treaty of Versailles        stereotype        SA/sturmabteilung        anti-Semitism            scapegoat            mischlenge        Torah                the “other”            SS/Schutzstaffel            Martin Luther        hate
Nazi                frei korps            fear            Reichstag            pogrom                holocaust            ghettos            Holocaust   
“the longest hatred”        religious anti-Semitism        racial anti-Semitism    Adolf Hitler            Herman Goering        Josef Goebbels            Julius Streicher        Reinhard Heydrich        Heinrich Himmler        Pale of Jewish Settlement               

Short Answer Questions
    World War I→main players, causes of war, outcomes
    Biography of Adolf Hitler
    Change from Religious anti-Semitism to Racial anti-Semitism & time period involved
    Connection btwn Crusades and Persecution of the Jews
    Martin Luther and the Jews
    Protocols of Elders of Zion
    “The Longest Hatred”
    Kristallnacht→Dates, Causes, Events, Outcomes
    Differences between Eastern & Western European Jews
    Emergency Decree, Enabling Act, Aryan Law, Nuremberg laws→other names, when enacted, what they said
    Dates: 1/30/33, 4/1/33, 5/10/33, 9/41, 10/41, 9/1/39,
    Why use Poland/Eastern Europe for Camps and Ghettos
    Starvation and Disease in the Ghettos
    Death rate in the Ghettos
    Process the Einsatzgruppen used to murder the Jews
    Differences btwn Einsatzgruppen and Ordnunspolizei in terms of training and function
    Why was Himmler worried about the Einsatzgruppen members?


I'm so not in a good mood today! Ugh, I hate DAMIEN RUSSELL!! I just hope that we learn something very interesting in class today. Yesterday it was okay, but I hope that it is exciting today. Ugh, sad to say Hitler will make me oh So happy today...

Wednesday, March 10, 2010


This wekk we have started on chapter 4 and we took a test on chapters 1 to 3 on monday. The test was kinda hard but I managed to live. And today we took a reading quiz on chapter 4. The test was okay. And we also did chapter 4 vocabulary. This vocabulary was the shortest vocabulary we have done so far. And Today we have to read chapter 5 because we have another chapter quiz tommorrow on it. I just hope that I don't forget to read.
The quiz today went well, I hope I get a good score. Today the notes were really short and also the vocabulary was short that's good. Ms. Jamieson did a great job today explaining the notes I did not get bored. Now I just have to read for chapter five I hope I get a perfect score. I want to get my study guide already because I want to know what I need to study so I can receive a perfect score.

Holocaust Class Once More

I kind of went to sleep in Holocaust class yesterday! I don't know what it is that causes me to be so tired. I mean I go to sleep at 9 o'clock, but i wake up drained. I definitely need a vacation. When do we go on summer break! On the other hand, I wonder what we are going to do in Holocaust class today! I am wide awake today, so hopefully I won't be tired by the time fourth period comes around. I find it crazy that I fall asleep in Holocaust and that's one of my favorites classes, but I am forced to stay up in all the other classes. Sorry Ingram!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

i'm sick. ugh. (2)

I completely forgot Karina fell asleep yesterday. Hahaha! (:

We were supposed to take our chapter 4 quiz today but that didn't happen because none of us read...oops! Don't forget to read tonight! And goodluck to everyone tomorrow!
We took some more notes, of course. I think the fact that caught my attention was the 'living land.' To think that people were buried alive and surrounded by dying family and friends is unbeliveable. It's heartbreaking. /:

Nelly, your cousin...ha.

I need medicine; I hate being sick.

Deucesss *

Nessa k
Today I got so scared because I thought we were going to take the chapter 4 quiz today! but thank goodness Ms. Ingram changed her mind, because I did not read I need her to remind me because I have so much homework and projects I hardly ever check my holocaust calendar. I am for sure reading today for homework because I want an excellent grade for the semester. I can't wait to take my 3rd quarter exam so I can just get it over with.I hope I pass the test we took.


Well, yesterday we had and extra long test. I was bored to be honest, but i was happy that we didn't have to take those notes! I know we gone end up taking them today. UGH.. what else is there to learn about Hitler??? bye blogger...

Monday, March 8, 2010

So we took a test today , yes i knocked out lol. I think i atleast got like a C in it, i hope i passed it cuz i kindof skipped some questions.

Test Day (1)

Today we too our tests on chapters 1-3...ahhhh.

I have to say, this test was one of the hardest tests i took in my high school career. Extremely challenging Ms. Ingram!

Ugh. Hopefully I pass.

Well, I just got out of softball practice; it was funny. The first real practices are always the best. (: Paper plates*

I'm terribly sick, so i'm going to take some medicine and chillaxxx;

peace out home dawgsss.



Omg! the test was today it was okay I feel pretty confident that I passed maybe I'll get a B. I thought the vocabulary I got most of them right. I feel like I got like five wrong on the vocab, I couldn't remember what was "DA". Also I couldn't remember what was the answer for "what were some things that were normal while in the ghetto, name at least 5" I completely guessed on that one, I blanked out. I just hope I A's the quarter exam.
Since we didn't finish chapter 4 on friday we're going to have a test today. On Friday all the juniors left early. Last week we just took notes, Ms. Ingram didn't go to school on Tuesday so Ms. Jamieson was our sub. The jews were treated worser than animals in the ghetto by the Nazis.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

they condition!!!!!!!!!!

The Jews condition at the camp was terrible. All types of diseases flowed around the camp, but they couldn't stop them. They had no food or water, but that wasn't good enough for the Nazi.


The ghettos now in days are no compare to the ones during the Holocaust. Those people had nothing but they still kept a once of faith. It's amazing how people could be so mean. The Nazi treated them worse then ally cats and hood rats. I wish I could had helped, but I'm sure they don't like black people.


so this week in classs was gui amm rellli cool not alot of notss! but i am relli nervous for the test i hvnt relli studied and i have a bad feeling about it! so god help me im going to study but i still feel very nervous
I'm going to study soon again
took a break
went out for lunch with my siblings
met up at some restaurant
i hate studying, but must do it! ahhhh
nothing new!
Life is Great!

Your Sunshine,
Patty Carrillo ☼

Much ☼

again, hey, me and eder decided to go on that website that we went in class
cause he didn't believe me
and well now he does!
its some crazy stuff!(;
for sure!
not ready for test!
oh Mann..

Your Sunshine,

Patty Carrillo ☼

Sunday much ☼

Been so long, again procrastinating.
sorry about the early call
omg, early cause of a wedding
nothing is new


Your Sunshine,
Patty Carrillo ☼


The test!! AAAA! I am not too worried about it. I actually pay attention to mostly everything. But I gotta study the dates and some of the words. Some of the words are confusing!
Friday was cool. The whole Aryan nation stuff was scary. I can't believe those people have those ideas in their head. The thing that really shocked me was how some of them said that the Holocaust didn't happen. It really pissed me off and they're just so dumb! UGH! > : (
This week was kewl.
A lot of notes but they were interesting.
I was watching Ann Frank the movie and it was crazy how she was in hiding for so long and she was caught. Then died like a month later that the camps were liberated.
In our Holocaust class we have a lot of fun, well at least sometimes like on Friday. Ms. Ingram was reserching some interesting things, but they where also mean. It's amazing how easy people can find a lot of things on the internet. All these racist groups write out dumb things that are not even true. I just hope that other peope are smart enough and won't believe anything they say. Well i just wish everone good luck on their test. See you guys tomorrow!!!
On Friday we had a very relaxed day. I think because all the juniors where just ready lo leave school and get ready for our Junior Prom. we had fun at prom and it was nice seeing ms. Ingram dancing. But we also have to study because on Monday we are having our Holocaust test on the first three chapters of the book. I have to study really hard in order to pass the test. I'm really enjoying the class so far, everything we learn is interesting and is teaching us about history. At the beginning I didn't think that I was going to like the class because a lot of people said that it was hard. The class is kinda hard but it's up to you to make it easy for yourself.


This week we have learned a lot about the first three chapters in our book. We have learned a lot of vocabulary words also. We finnaly finished chapter 3 notes this week. I'm glad that we are done, but again this means that we have to start on a new chapter. This week has been good and interesting. I really liked chapter 3 because it was interesting learning about 'The ghettos," but at the same time it was sad learning about what the Nazis did the the Jews. It was horrible how the nazis decided to get ride of the Jews just because Hitler didn't like them.

Friday, March 5, 2010

I'm so glad it's Friday. We can go home and don't have to worry about the teachers and other people for two days. I hope next week's class we be just exciting as it was this week.
Today class went by fast. It was really cool because we looked at many thing on the internet about the Aryan Nation and the Holocaust. We had lots of fun learning about different things.
Monday we are going to have have a test on Chapters 1,2, and 3. I'm not that worried about the test, but I'm nervous though. I know I really have to study. Thank God we don't have to know Hitler's information. At least not yet.
On Monday we're going to take a test on chapters 1,2, and 3. I don't think its going to be that hard if you payed attention in her class and if you study. The next book we're going to read is called "The Girl in the Red Coat", I think this book is going to be interesting, unlike the "Ghetto Diary". I know we're going to have a project for that book too but since the book seems interesting I think its going to be easy.
Yesterday we learn about what went on in the ghettos. The Nazis made the Jews form a Jewish Council that consisted of 12 men who ran the ghetto. We also learned about how many people died of starvation because the small food ratios they get; and because they didn't get the nutrients they need they start to get diseases. The old and sick people died quickly, also the children who were parentless would die because they didn't have someone to take care of them.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

The Ghettos.

Today in Holocaust we learned about the ghettos and it seems like the more and more we learn about the Holocaust things just don't get any better at all. I mean I never knew that things were capable of getting any worse than what they already were. It was ridiculous, I think they said something about thousands of people living on about twenty blocks. Then they talked about how the little kids would get killed if they were caught smuggling. I just can't imagine how they remained so humble in spirit, because they were tortured in all ways possible. Then the day before, I forgot to mention, that women were stripped searched in front of everybody, which is highly embarrassing! Not only was it embarrassing, it was very painful. I heard that the German guards would literally stick their hands or nearly their arms up the Jewish women's vagina. I mean in today's society pregnant women are uncomfortable when they are looked at or checked to see where their baby head is when they are in labor or before labor. This is when they are dilating. So I can only imagine how it felt for a woman that was just not even having a child. UGH**** Above is a group of women who are going to be "checked" by German soldiers & if you look closely you will see a young girl in the line, which is very sad!


A lot of millions of jews died of disease compared to starvation.
Because of the cold and starving themselves made their immune system not able to cure itself from the disease. :(
typhus was the worst and many children died of it because they couldn't handle it.
Sometimes the adults could have survived from it i suppose because they are stronger.


it makes me feel so bad that they went through all dat :(
they starved and they even would fight for food.
it was horrible time.
Sometimes they didnt even have enough for the whole family.
makes me think that i have it all easy.
Class was interesting today I think if i were to live in a ghetto I would have gotten real crazy, claustrophobic, and maybe would have shot myself because don't want to suffer humiliation, starvation, torture, and diseases. If I knew I was going to die anyways then why should I live suffering all that pain. I felt so bad for the smugglers especially the children how they shot them. What I also found so cruel was how they threw babies from buildings and then shot them.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Another Day, Another Nazi

So yesterday we had a quiz on chapter three and it was so easy. I didn't like chapter three it was horrible, but I know things only get worse for the Jewish people as time goes by. I cant believe that hundreds of thousands of people were forced to live on 1.6 miles of land, i mean only about one hundred people live on the amount of land, if that many. Then i could believe they could only have 1,100 calories of food a day. That is brutal torture. I mean I eat more than that in a day. I mean i eat about 2000-2600 calories a day, every day. I just really feel bad for the Jewish people and I thank God that he took them out of their situation.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010


we started chapter 3 notes and vocab so today in class it was interesting because we learned about the ghettos so far but i think that class it is going pretty well


Everything that we have learned in Holocaust so far has been interesting. I really liked chapter 3 The Ghettos. All the things that chapter 3 was about where interesting. And hopefully what ever else we learn is fun too.


Well, this week we have been taking notes on chapter 2. And we finally finished them today, and we also started chapter 3. We also had to chapter 3 vocabulary today, which was good because it was only a few words and it was mostly our quiz. Tomorrow we will continue with the notes and hopefully we will get our quizzes back to see how we did.


Today I got so mad at myself because I forgot we had to read chapter 3 and we had a quiz! I thought the quiz was on Friday! That sucks :( I hope I pass because I think I got like 2 wrong. Ms. Jamieson was great today and she gave us time to work on our vocabulary, I think we all finished! I for sure did finish. So yeah I hope next time I read chapter 4 for sure so I can get 100%. Notes were good today they were not that long.

Monday, March 1, 2010

march 1st

today in class we took some notes and i think that it went pretty fast because it was a short class and wen went to go to practice for a junior ring ceremony but actually i had a great weekend.. so i think that class today it went fast for me

march 1st

Just finished checking!

Remind myself that the two right before this post are for the week of 3/1 - 3/8.  So they haven't been checked.

Jennifer and Marlisa--YOU AREN'T BLOGGING!!!!!!  Come on now--you need these points.

Everyone else did okay this week! :)



This event was death of many Jews in Europe. This left a huge mark on Germany. Sometimes, I wonder why the Jews had to go through this, as well as slaves during slavery. Today class went by fast because it took a long time to collect our reports and power points. I hope tomorrow is the same way.

Quiz & Project

Today I got my quiz and I am happy with my score! I got a 97% I really thought I was going to get a 100% it was all because of the Kristallnacht question I forgot to put November 10th. I only put the 9th, well I guess maybe next time. I can't wait for the next quiz for chapter three I will give it my very best. I am so happy to get the "Ghetto Diary" of my chest. I hope the next book we read is better. I was getting all stressed, thank god we are done.
I'm ready for the weekend. I know I'm going to be able to get some good sleep finally. This week went by kind of fast so we good.
The report for the book is due Monday. I'm not worried about. The book was very boring and I don't know how anyone could read it without going to sleep.
Class went great this week, but it was boring. I know I got tired of talking about Hitler. I'm glad this week is over.