Thursday, March 11, 2010

3rd Quarter Study Guide...

Hope this works!!!! :)


The 3rd Quarter Holocaust Exam will take place on Tuesday, March 16 during 4th period.  It is IMPERATIVE that all students be on time for exams—late students will be excluded from the exam and will receive a 0%.  Your Quarter exam counts as 10% of your 3rd Quarter Grade and WILL NOT BE DROPPED AS YOUR LOWEST TEST GRADE FOR THE QUARTER.

The exam will be matching and short answer .  It will cover ALL material we’ve gone over thus far this quarter→ the information we covered on World War I, Adolf Hitler & Chapters 1, 2, 3 & 4 in your Textbook. 


C1 Vocab:  blood libel, usury, Pale of Jewish Settlement, Wilhelm Marr, "The Triumph of Jewry Over Germanism", anti-Semites Petition, "The Handbook of anti-Semitism", "Foundations of the Nineteenth Century", "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion", German Workers' Party, National Socialist German Workers' Party, Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei, Nazi Party, Mein Kampf, Aryan (Nazi definition & real definition), ghetto, Reichmark

C2 Vocab:  chancellor; Emergency Decree; Enabling Act; Dachau; Joseph Goebbels; Jude; Juda Verrecke!; Heinrich Heine; Aryan Law; Law for the Retoration of the Civil Service; Nuremberg Laws; The Law for the Protection of German Blood and German Honor; The Reich Citizenship Law; Judenrein; Jesse Owens; Aryanized; Kristallnacht; Der Sturmer

C3 Vocab:  Yiddish, generalgouvernement, Reinhard Heydrich, "The Jewish Question in the Occupied Territories", Lodz Ghetto, Vilna Ghetto, Warsaw Ghetto, Jewish Council/Judenrat, "black pearls"

C4 Vocab: Einsatzgruppen, mobile killing vans/s-trucks, Ordnungspolizei, Order Police, “The Jew Hunt”, Wehrmacht, genocide

Misc Vocab (from Notes/Lectures/Textbook):
    shtetl                Treaty of Versailles        stereotype        SA/sturmabteilung        anti-Semitism            scapegoat            mischlenge        Torah                the “other”            SS/Schutzstaffel            Martin Luther        hate
Nazi                frei korps            fear            Reichstag            pogrom                holocaust            ghettos            Holocaust   
“the longest hatred”        religious anti-Semitism        racial anti-Semitism    Adolf Hitler            Herman Goering        Josef Goebbels            Julius Streicher        Reinhard Heydrich        Heinrich Himmler        Pale of Jewish Settlement               

Short Answer Questions
    World War I→main players, causes of war, outcomes
    Biography of Adolf Hitler
    Change from Religious anti-Semitism to Racial anti-Semitism & time period involved
    Connection btwn Crusades and Persecution of the Jews
    Martin Luther and the Jews
    Protocols of Elders of Zion
    “The Longest Hatred”
    Kristallnacht→Dates, Causes, Events, Outcomes
    Differences between Eastern & Western European Jews
    Emergency Decree, Enabling Act, Aryan Law, Nuremberg laws→other names, when enacted, what they said
    Dates: 1/30/33, 4/1/33, 5/10/33, 9/41, 10/41, 9/1/39,
    Why use Poland/Eastern Europe for Camps and Ghettos
    Starvation and Disease in the Ghettos
    Death rate in the Ghettos
    Process the Einsatzgruppen used to murder the Jews
    Differences btwn Einsatzgruppen and Ordnunspolizei in terms of training and function
    Why was Himmler worried about the Einsatzgruppen members?


  1. MS. Ingram your study guide is long. I just imagine what the test is going to look like.

  2. ahh sooo much. and i definitely agree with lesly =/

  3. Talking about ink or wha'?
    This is a good idea though'
    just makes us more responsible... (ehh..)
    Life is great!
    staying up till 2 tonight!

    Goodnight (:
