Wednesday, March 17, 2010

well this week is kinda lame i hated the EXAMS!! especially geomerty and holocaust! they were so hard! i was soo nervous! and i failed my geometry exam with a 66! i was mad and i studied! so that relli excited to learn more about hitler he is getting relli interesting i wanna kno wen he dies cuz hes a mean person! LOL jk.jk.even thoo i kno wen he dies cuz ms. jamieson spoiled it for me in class today!!..
im soo excited! for opening night thursday i hope you guys can come!! but im kinda nervous but then at the same time im not! cnt wait for the cast and crew parties! this play is cumn out really goood! im gunna be relli sad wen the musical is completly over! cuz im going to miss my frnds! even tho i kno were guna hang out eventually! im gunna miss them a ton!


1 comment:

  1. I hated geometry as well last year! just try harder next time. Oh! and good luck on the musical.
