Sunday, February 28, 2010

well i finished my powerpoint!! yay! that guy was interesting i also added some videos to the powerpoint!


i forgot how many slides we had to put on the ppt! and i kinda forgot the info sheet at skkool.. im just gunna put 10 cuz idk how many we need. im just going to put what i remember we needed on the powerpoinnt and a couple pics.
I just finished my book review power point; I think i am going to get a good grade on it.
It really didn't take alot of time to do it because it was kindof easy just to put some info about the book.
I think the ghetto diary book was really boring but atleast its already over with. I did a powerpoint for the book review cuz i thought it would be easier and a fast way to do it.


hvnt been blogging latley ive been really busyy!! i hvnt started the ppt! my compt is bein STUPID!!! but im going to try and finish my ppt today! this bbookk was really hard to track down!!this weeek in class was pretty fun im glad we finished hitlers bio that was killer!!! even tho he is interesting i was about readdi to fall aslleeepp alot of those days wen we taking notes! well all done gotta get reddi for a party!

Ghetto diary

This book is boring, but it had a good message. The author of this diary, Janusz, was a great guy who love kids. The reason why I say this because anyone who can work with kids are really great. I can't even imagine the type of patience he had to developed. Good Job Janusz and everyone who love kids.

diz week!

It is crazy how fast Hitler's uprising ran by me. He came into power so quick just by the sound of his voice. He came up with all of this stupid laws and what not, he had everyone marching to his beat. I wonder what his family though of it, how did they feel? Even when people went against him, he still won.
So now that i finished my Powerpoint for Holocaust i feel ALIVE!!
now all i got to do is email it but i'll email it to her later because i've been
on the computer all day and my sister is now yelling at last blog of this week
GREAT now my mom is yelling at me.. AGH im almost finished.
Holocaust= DONE!
now onto my religion project later in the week.
ALIVE i tell you!
toodles :)
omg! im so tired of homework..
homework, homework, homework.
AGHH!! it drives me crazy.
so thursday night i finally sat down to do my research paper and well
i finished..thank Gawd! i now had to do my Holocaust. Justwhen i thought i finished,
i didnt. I really hope next week isnt as stressful as last week.

Blog Number 2

I finished my paper! Yay!

During class on friday we went more in depth on chapter 2 and took more notes (what a surprise). We learned how Hitler had begun to pass the first laws against Jews: The Nuremberg Laws. Shockingly, those were not the first laws Hitler had passed. His first laws were against Germans! I couldn't belive it.

Coincidentally, my sister was watching Gangland (I don't know if anyone has seen the show, but it can be quite interesting). The show featured an Aryan gang. They practically worshipped Hitler. All members had to read Mein Kampf, and they were all about "aryan power." It was ridiculous.


-nessa k.

Hurry Up Summer! ☼

Hey Hey! I think we are going to beat the first semester!
I'm getting ready to go shopping again, my mom fell in love with one of the necklaces
& now she wants to go buy one!

ahh my motherrrr (;

I can't wait to get my ring!
Eder got his already, its pretty cool!
well...I must get get ready!
You know what I just realized, that on the quiz I put May 9 when actually it was May 10
Oh well! (:
Love Life!

Your Sunshine,
Patty Carrillo ☼

Shopping ☼

I have to blog again!
oh yesterday I went shopping!

omg, i bought so much stuff!

ahh I can't wait for summer to come!
I ordered a couple more sandals online, can't wait for them to get here!
We are def. now going to get into the Holocaust!
woot woot!

Your Sunshine,
Patty Carrillo ☼

Its Sunday(bummer)! ☼

yup, I did it again!

I forgot to blog all week!

yesterday I got home too late and just knocked out!

I missed the Olympics! ugh
I'll watch them during the week! (:

Much Love,
Patty Carrillo ☼
He's getting more and more into power! And it's crazy! He was a bum and now he's running a country! I know Ms. Ingram said that his book was really boring but for some reason i would want to read it.
Notes! The notes are getting more interesting as we go along. Now its mostly about the physco Nazis and what their ideas for Germany and how they could make it better.
The most dumbest I thought was when they took away the civil rights from everyone. I mean wouldn't people think like WTF thats not fair!
The book was okay but kinda boring.
He was really into his kids and their needs.
He treated them with respect and didn't doubt them, which I thought was pretty nice of him. Even if he was sick and couldn't move or anything like that he would still try to do anything he could.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

ugh forgot to blog

will almost done reading the book about the ghetto diary will for me it is a good book to read almost done with my paper... i know that i forgot to blog this week because i had other things to do and now i am caught up... finishing my paper

Friday, February 26, 2010

Well this weekend i am going to finish reading reading the book, the books is kind of not that interesting right now but hopefully it gets more interesting as i read. i am doing the power point so i hope it turns out okay and i don't just stare at the computer for a whole hour. cant wait to read the other books for the year:) and also finish writing that vocab
so to today we took more notes on chapter one and i think that notes are not that bad comparing to the others. they are way shorter. and i am actually witting everything before Ms Ingram changes the slide. the Nazis are really crazy about the Jews they make them do really crazy things like cleaning the streets. I would hate to be one of them and be made fun of. Hitler made the Nazi Party pretty powerful espacially using it aganist the Jews. The Nazis wanted the Jews to have no jobs and crashed their places down, especially with all the signs on their windows.
well yesterday we had Ms.Jamieson and we did vocabulary instead of notes, i am glad that there weren't many. i didn't really quite finish my vocab only like a couple. the quiz we took was better than the other because this time i did finish reading except that i got messed up with the dates and i couldn't remember which one was for the crystal night one. that was a long chapter bu the way.hopefully the others are shorter;)


Yesterday in class, like always, we took notes. The good was that this time it was vocabulary. Even though there where a lot of words but it was better than taking those notes that Ms. Ingram loves. Hopefully today we work on vocabulary again but we will see. Well I still don't know what chapter 2 is about because I was absent when the class started taking notes on chapter 2. And hopefully I will be able to catch up today on everything especially my missing work from Wednesday when I was absent.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

UGH Holocaust.!!!

Thats how i walk in everytime to class. Why? Notes!!
Notes keep getting bigger and bigger.. My day wasnt so good today.
Ms. Ingram assigned alot of vocab and i can't find my book :( GRR!
but i'll find a way to finish them all by tomorrow! OMG the Paper/Powerpoint is due monday..
I HAVE GOT TO READ!! AGHH im going crazyy..this semester got tough!!
Well im out. I hope tomorrow is a better day :)

Vocab !!

There is a lot of vocab and there is not even a glossary.
I guess we have to actually read the book. lol. Well I already know where most of them are at especially cuz I highlighted them. :)
The quiz was ok. I forgot what was kristall something something of when it happened.
But i thought thats was crazy how they made a game to get all the jews out.
Today I was a little worried that the quiz was going to be long and hard. Once I got the test I thought it was super easy. I am so proud of myself for paying lots of attention in class. What I didn't like about class today was that we have to write down all of those vocabulary words. They are a lot, oh well I have o choice I have to do it. Chapter 2 was very interesting I liked it a lot, I thought it was very rude of Hitler to leave the stadium in the olympics because Owen won. I felt really bad for the Jews because of what happened in the Kristallnacht! How dare they destroy their stores, and synagogue.


Well, so far this week I haven't learned a lot. We didn't have school Monday so we missed a day of Holocaust. On Tuesday MS. Ingram was absent but we had Ms. Jamieson as a sub. We finished a powerpoint with her which was pretty cool. But I heard that the class started a new PowerPoint yesterday. I guess I have a lot to catch up to, but I think I can do it.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

no title

today in class we started chapter was about The Nazis and the Jews of Germany but i think that class went kind of slow because it was a Wednesday schedule... I am almost done with the book about the Ghetto diary doing a power-point..
I missed Ms. Ingram a little yesterday, I feel like I pay more attention when you are here and teaching us I don't know what it is that makes me mo interested in the notes. Guess what? I finished my Holocaust Power point I am so glad to get that off my chest. I think it is so crazy how they said, Germans loved Hitler b/c he was sent to them by god like if he were a messiah for Germany! What i also found interesting was that the Dachau was the first concentration camp but not to kill Jews or anything like that it was to give a home for political prisoners.
Yesterday class was fun! I really liked how ms. Jamieson taught us she put a lot of enthusiasm and I noticed many of my classmates payed a lot of attention. Class to me went by really fast, maybe it was because I was so into the notes. I got really surprised that Hitlers niece committed suicide because he was to bossy and would not let her go out.

No Title <--

Today we started our notes on Chapter 2.
Our notes focused on Hitler's rise to power which I find ironic because as a child he was always described as LAZY. If you think about it, how many lazy people rise to power?
We also covered the "spontaneous" occurrences of antisemitic views. As a class, we came to the conclusion that there was nothing spontaneous about the acts against Jews.

Nessa k

p.s. I need a job!!

Hitler the Cat!!!

So today, we started a whole new chapter and it is explains how Hitler took over the German government. I have to say, either Hitler is just a clever guy or the German government officials are just dumb. He was only one man, but then again he did have a mass amount of followers. If I were the governor of Germany at the time, I would have never let Hitler become a part of the democracy. Him and I would have been fist fighting, you know. He would have respected me by all means or he would have had to deal with me and my army! The funny part of the whole situation is, that Hitler was a punk. He never actually went out and fought. His little punk butt didn't even have a fist fight in his life, but people are so afraid of little Hitler.

Ugh** Holocaust

I'm kind of bored right now. Holocaust was so much fun when it first started, but now it is like so dry. I think that it's all the notes that we take. Maybe it will get better when we start doing projects. I hope so! But on the plus side we finished part two of Hitler's biography!! Yay, so I wonder what we are doing in class today!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

today in class

today in class Miss. Ingram wasn't here so we had a sub which was jamesion and we did finish the notes about Hitler and is biography and also his life so today in class it was kind of weird schedule and also the class were kind of long because we didn't had no school yesterday and that's why it was kind of long... almost done with reading the book about the ghetto diary but still have to do a power point about that today it was kind of weird schedule because we didn't had school yesterday everybody look tired in class

I MISS U INGRAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Today was a weird day because Miss.Ingram was not in class. Miss.Jamieson was our sub today she did a good job ion teaching us about Hitler. We finished our slides; we got pretty far. She explained what the slide was in a simple way that we can write less notes. My favorite part of today slide show was learning about his niece and mistress.

Monday, February 22, 2010


i hate the notes about Hilter how he was using that sign of swastika and other tings he did will actually i had a great weekended and it was pretty good because i got to spent the day with my friend and went shopping together for clothes cause i told him to come to my junior ring ceremony and e said yes..... I'm pretty happy today

Sunday, February 21, 2010

This is a picture of Hitler from South Park which i just took out cuz i dont know what to write about.
So i seriously forgot to blog for two weeks. I think it was wrong and disrespectful that they made the swastika from using the cross.


I so dislike notes , they bother me a lot. Now, I write only what appeal to me. Next I will start using text talk for notes, but sometimes it's hard to read it. Sometimes I only write what Ingram saids. With some slides I don't even write anything down. I pray to God this week notes are not a lot but that probably won't get answered.


I take it to offense that Hitler took something like the Holy Cross and twisted it to his own dirty game. He had it all wrong, I wonder if he prayed back in his day, if so to who? If Hitler walked in my church on Sunday I would catch the Holy Ghost and fall out like a collapsing building. The difference is I would be scared of him like everyone else, I would probably laugh. I think people would try to beat him up very badly.


Wow, It is so crazy that Hitler joined the group he was sent to spy on. I believe that if he would have never did all that he did if he would have not join the DAP. If I had to pause time and change it, it would be when Anton stop Hitler before he lift. this was the main event that started the beginning of an ending. I would totally kick Anton butt for that if I had a time machine.

This was a building in California shaped like the Swastika. It was Navy building and not knowing that is was shaped like that they spent $600,000 to make it look different from above.

I was looking for a picture about the book we're reading about and i found the memorial they have for him. I haven't much of it but I am looking forward to reading more. So far I know that he something to do with an orfanage.
Omg I forgot to blog last week!
agh! Well Hitler's life is very interesting. All the luck he had during the war and how he went on with life being a bum is crazy. But he wasen't stupid when he founded the German workers party.

Just Finished Checking...

I just finished checking your posts up until this point (3pm Sunday afternoon).  I'm hoping more of you post soon...missing many of you!  I love all the pics you are finding and posting--they add a lot to the blog. 

But, let's remember the point of the blog is to discuss the Holocaust and Holocaust class...and even to make connections between other, similar events in the world.  Not so much to discuss outside stuff! :) lol


Hitler Facts!

I was searching on google "Interesting facts of Hitler" and I found some that really caught my eye like: 1)His Nazi Rallies were inspired by Harvard Cheerleaders! He had a friend named Ernst Hanfstaengl he went to study at Harvard and when he came back he told Adolf everything about the cheerleaders and Adolf became obsessed with the idea. I also found interesting that He became a Vegetarian! I think that is amazing b/c I am a vegetarian aswell (lol).


I think it was really interesting how the Swastika is an indian symbol I actually thought it was all Hitlers design and everything. I also can't believe the swastika means "PEACE" that is crazy, when I see that symbol it gives me the chills to me it symbolizes hate, racist, aryan race, and power. Here are some pics if the Indian Swastika. They are the same! Hitler is such a stealer! (lol)

Saturday, February 20, 2010

in this picture im guessing that most of the people or men in the picture didnt really know what the Holocaust was/is really about. i would say that most of them are doing it so that nothing would happen to them, little did they really know that they were gonna get killed either way. it makes me feel bad that we take things for granted like wanting things that we really dont need and they have absolutely nothing.

As i was looking at some pictures online i found it very interesting to see how some people felt. i think this picture shows how desperate or how they are labeled and not wanted in certain places like the Jews. this is probably the best way to show others how the Jews really felt.

Friday, February 19, 2010

well cant wait to start working on that power point, just want to get it over with, i barely starting reading the ghetto dairy and it seems kind of interesting. right now its just talking about the guy being in the orphanage and talking about his past life. hopefully its gets a little bit more interesting. so i can get the power point done in time. well i will probably read some this weekend. cant wait for the girl in the red coat though!!:)
Hitler was really into his Nazi party, since he was the leader he created this symbol which looks weird by the way. they have a lot of symbols for the Nazi's that's just crazy. he tricked those guys into letting him be leader since he brought all that attention from his spiting lol! . he brought all that attention by being loud. he is one crazy man. wonder what he has in mind next:)
so today class was pretty interesting we learned more notes on Hitler's bio. I cant believe their party on started with 7 members and ended up by the 1920's with more than a thousand members. Hitler did everything he could to gain control of that party. He is really crazy, but has a smart way of getting what he wants. he eventually was made head leader of the party. I guess he got what he wanted.greedy!!

This is crazy... Four million people were killed

This is a picture of the Aushcwitz gate. Just think millions of people were here....


yesterday class was interesting because we didn't had any bellwork so instead we took some notes about Hitler and his biography it was interesting about his life and other things i think that class was cool yesterday but we took some notes on Hitler.... and also we had our project of ghetto diary due march1st i am almost finished with the book so I am doing the powerpoint about the book....

Thursday, February 18, 2010

It's been so long not having Holocaust (lol). Class today was pretty cool I can't believe the German Workers Party AKA:Nazi Party had only 7 members. I do believe Hitler was a great public speaker I watch videos of him talking and he is amazing I get goosebumps. He probably inspired and persuaded many people to join. I can't believe Adolf Hitler a small town kid became something big in history and suceeded. I am so impressed by him of how much power he had.
Holocaust class this week has been pretty cool. We had fun with Mr. Thopson on Tuesday when seniors and Ms. Ingram where at their retreat. And we where supposed to watch a movie but we only saw part of it. And some of us where also sleeping or doing other things. And today Ms. Ingram gave us the information for our paper or powerpoint presentaion for the book "Ghetto Diary." And so far I haven't finished the book but hopefully I do get to finish in time to do my assingment. And well we haven't finishe dthe notes on Hitler and it feels like we will nerver finish it.


This week we have had only two classes. It's been good at least we haven't taken that many notes. Yesturday we had mass and we got to miss Holocaust class which was pretty cool. But anyways today we went back to taking notes on Hitler. And now we are learning about when he becomes a member of a German Party. NOw we know that Hitler is going the wrong path. He is getting everyone in Germany to be and think like him. And to me this is scary because I can't imagine a world with a lot of Hitlers in it. Life would be like hell to everyone else.
Class has been going by faster than what I thought it would. I'm really starting to be interested in class. What are we doing after Adolf Hitler.
When we watched those movies about the people, we learned more information that we didn't know. The movies were boring. I know that I almost went to sleep watching them.
Holocaust class was very interesting because we learned some very small details about Hitler that you don't hear about. The class went by fast since we watched that movie in class.
Class was good last week. We were able to get through the first presentation about Hitler. Unfortunately, we still have another presentation left.
This week, I know that we are going back to those boring notes about Adolf Hitler. I hope we don't have a lot to do. This week's class might be easy. I'm glad we out of school Monday.
Though I wasn't in school I wasn't able to get a lot of sleep because of the activities we completed. I wish the retreat was longer. I'm glad I'm back at school to see some of the people that I wasn't able to see while on retreat.
Last week, I on the senior retreat. I had a great time. I was able to bond with my classmates. Speak with people that I never talked to. I so happy I went to Kairos.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010


Still no class;
This weekend was pretty good; I slept alot, just like I did today.
I wasn't in school on Tuesday because I wasn't feeling too well, but from what I heard I didn't miss much.
Mass for Ash Wednesday was pretty good and there were more giggles than usual during the metting after mass.
I must admit, things are going pretty well.

Junior Ring Dance very soon <3

nessa k -->ily's

so lately i haven't been in class.
I'm guessing i missed a couple things..hope its not too much though
i don't want to catch up on too many things it'll be a bit too hard..
Agh Kairos was great, i experienced some beautiful things and I'm glad a lot of the girls
had the chance to make up, and act like a senior class.
Till next time :) peace..


Well, Yesterday Ms.Ingram was absent and we had Mr.Thompson for a substitute. He had us dying laughing in class because he was acting out his son at his wrestling match. Mr.Thompson is just hilarious and he has a unique personality. I really thik every body enjoyed having him there because we actually got a break from the long notes Ms.Ingram gives us. O'yeah we did watch a movie about a man named Hess, but unfortunately I didn't pay too much attention to it. sorry Ingram!!!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


today in class we didn't did anything because Ms.Ingram wasan't here so instead we watched a movie it was kind of boring lol
Today Ms. Ingram wasnt here, so we didnt take any notes. We, instead watched Hitler's henchmen. We really didnt watch it because it was kindof boring, but it was way better than taking notes.

Monday, February 15, 2010


my weekend it was great because i had a great time with my boyfriend because he took me out to eat and we went to a dance together it was a fun day... will in Holocaust we just finished with te notes about Hitler but we need to more slides we are in the second slide i hope that we finished those notes because my hand hurts from taking all those notes about Hitler.....

Sunday, February 14, 2010

a moment of silent............................

Once again this week we had a lot of notes but on the plus side we got to watch a movie. The movie we watched was so good I though I was going to cry. Just to see those survivors tell their story really amazed me. After all that they been through it made me say if they can do I can to. I take my hat off and salute them to the fullest.

ME VS HITLER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If I had a conversation with Hitler today it would be very intense. I would be so upset at him but at the same time I would be very amazed. I can't say I would hate him because who am I to judge but I just dislike him very much. One question I would ask him is what he think about black people since he hate Jewish people? I believe he would change his ideas after spending time with me for like 3-5 hours. :)-

Uno mas! ☼

One more!
I'm watching a hockey game right now!
just came back from dinner, much?!
Have fun in Kairos!
oh man...I wish they wouldn't give us notes on Tuesday..
i mean its nothing without you speaking and explaining it to us!
Life is great!
Got my shoes for the junior ring ceremony!

Your Sunshine,
Patty Carrillo! ☼

Life is Goooood! ☼

My weekend is going great!
omg its been pretty busy lately!
Its sunday I know, ugh always tiill last minute!
Hey are we still going to watch the movie?
i was just telling my boyfriend about it!

Your Sunshine,
Patty Carrillo


So yeah his weeks class has been ohkay I hate taking lots of notes even tho hitler is intersting the notes dragggg and it's just so much!!!!! I have alot goin on this weekend that's why I hvnt been blogging I have practice for the musical which opening night is march 17!! Saint paattyys day!!! It's goin great the dances r fun and my partner is funny!!! Well yea all done waiting to c wAt hitler does next.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

army time , hitler's in front of the line

When I was learning about Hitler fighting in the war it really shocked me. He was a type of soldier who was the teacher pet from out of the group but thats how he got a lot of rank in the army. I really smacked my face when Ingram said he wanted to go back to the front after being wounded. He had a lot of Germany pride in him he was determined to make it the best country there was. He now only wait to see whats in store for him and Germany.

Friday, February 12, 2010

crazy hitler!!

so today in class we took more notes of Hitler's bio, and he finally stared feeling the hate against the Jew's. i cant believe he like war and enjoyed painting with his little watercolors while the war was going on. he is crazy!! also that he was a snitch and he went and told the chief's everything. he was very lucky that he didn't get killed in the war, that is something unbelievable being alive for 2 years in the war. he was a really wired guy during war;0 i cant to see what more crazy things he does next!!

Holocaust scholarship

So i heard that their is a Holocaust scholarship. :D
pretty exciting !! lol. I think I should try it.
Ima have to write an essay about why the Holocaust should be remembered.
The application is due on March, so i have some time to get this all ready :)

Himmler is insane

So yesterday the movie about Himmler was pretty interesting..
for the fact that he was crazy and probably mad. He was a propagandist if im not mistaken...
I really didn't like that fact that he killed his whole family just because hitler was no longer in power. what a baby ! lol.
Today class was okay. I couldn't really pay attention because I felt really sick. Anyways, I can't believe the movie is over I really wanted to finish watching it. I thought the notes were really long and not that interesting as the past ones. I am sure going to miss Holocaust on Tuesday (jk).


yesterday we finished watching the movie about henchmen and i think that we had to go with the notes about and his biography but i think that his notes are sometimes interesting... but we have 2 more powerpoints about his biogrpahy of we only finished one... but we have to read this book called the gehtto diary actually i got the book and i haven't stared reading because i got other things to do but this weekened or today when i get home I'm going to read the book about the ghetto diary... and also we have to do a paper about the ghetto diary... i hope that Miss Ingram dosen't make it too many pages...

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Crazy Stuff

Well i haven't blogged all week and I feel kind of bad. Today we finished up the rest of the documentries we were watching. I found it pretty interesting though. I can't believe how obsessed people were with Hitler. This one man literally killed himself and his whole family because Hitler was about to die. That is extremely bizzare. I wish my daddy would!!!~
We got our progress reports on Monday and Tuesday. And I'm passing Holocaust with the secong highest grade in the class. I was shocked and happy for myself and hopefully it will stay that way. We also have to read a novel calles "Ghetto Diary." So far I started but I'm not finished. And the book has to be done by February 26. And we also have to do a powerpoint or a paper about the book. Well hopefully I will finish reading the book, so Ms. Ingram can gives us the assingment to do for the book. That way we know how long it has to be and we can start doint it. The book looks boring but hopefully I will enjoy it so I can do my assingment.
Hey, everyone
Well today in class we were watching movies on Hitler's henchmen. The movies are interesting and it's better than taking notes on Hitler. But well finally today we finished the movies. And sadly we had to start again with Hitler's powerpoint. And we will finished the powerpoint tomoroow, but we have another one to start. And hopefully we will finished soon because those notes are really long.
I think that the videos we have been watching so far can teach you a lot even though they might be a little boring:0 i think that when all those survivors talk about their experience, you get a better perspective or feeling of what they went trough and what they had to do to survive. like that guy that sounded like a robot, it was really sad and hard to watch because he could barely talk and it's just so evil what they did to him and his brother and all those other people. and just talking it about and telling what they did to you would be hard for me to do. they were cruel to them because the took away his voice and that's just plain wrong and cruel. and also like that guy that cried while he was talking about his experience its not easy. it was sad:(

cRaZy HeNcHmEn!!!

So we have been watching the video's of Hitler's henchmen and they are really interesting, the first guy we watched about was goering and he was my person i got to do the project on and i learned a lot of facts about him that i didn't read about when i was researching him. for me i think he was one of the most powerful guys following Hitler. when i researched him i didn't really say anything about his childhood. but know i know he didn't like school. he was crazy all of Hitler's henchmen are:)


yesterday in class we watched a movie about Hitler and hechmen actually it was very interesting because how they couldn't talk and also how the Nazi could not even talk or neither speak but i think that today in class we are going to finish the movie and also when are we done watching the movie we are going to start notes about Hitler and his biography... i don't wanna start those notes about Hitler and his biography there is 2 slides about Hitler and his biography....

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Blog Number Dos <-

Today we continued Hitler's Henchmen.

So far my favorite part of the documentary was the interviews with the Holocaust survivors. It's one thing to learn about the horrible event, but it gives you a new perspective when you are able to listen to what happened first hand. In my opinion, those who were able survive are some of the strongest people in the world; physically and mentally. They are true heroes and should be recogonized as such.

Nessa [k]

p.s. I need a job. Ugh. Help?

Summer hurry up! ☼

First Blog of the week!
omg, i know!
I didn't go to school today cause the car was stuck
& I did get ready (8
So I bet you's finished watching the video for class huh?
Well I'l see what I can do
man..i hate chem. but excited for the science fair!
Life is good!
I did good on the progress report!
My birthday is on FRIDAY!

Your Sunshine,
Patty Carrillo☼

The documentary is so interesting! I felt so bad that I almost cried when they interviewed the victims from the Holocaust that they gave them a shot so they can lose their voice and the other guy has parkinson. They broke my heart, the guy couldn't even talk about it because those are bad memories that have marked them for ever. What I also thought was amazing how the Nazi soldiers were so disciplined and awseome! It gives me the chills!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010


today we watched a movie in Holocaust and i think it was kind of boring but today it was progress reports and actually i did pretty well in all of my classes but at least i don't have AA that's good... my parent's are going to be happy because they never saw this before.. i am happy with my grade

Progress Report!/ Documentary

Today we watched Hitler's Henchmen I think that is the name. I thought it was really interesting I like the way they made Swastika confetti it was so cute. What I also found interesting was how people were so happy when they were digging territory to build concentration camps , but the reason they were happy was because they thought they were building new places for people to work. My progress report was awseome! I just need to improve my Physics grade a little. At least I don't have AA. My Holocaust grade was SCHöN I love it!

Monday, February 8, 2010


Well I didn't get to blog over the weekend, so eh. I need to get back on track!
Anywho, friday was our last day of presentations; Amazing job to Nelly and Jenny (:

Today we continued our notes on Hitler but we had a shortened period due to progress reports, so we only got to get through two slides. At this point, Adolf got rejected from art school a second time and is becoming intrigued with politics. Dun Dun Dun! Foreshadowing.

I guess that's all for now, I won't be at school tomorrow because of tuition monayyy so someone is going to need to fill me in. (:


Nessa k


finally we got to finished all of our presentation about our heroes/villain most of them were interesting but also there is more notes to take about Hitler and his biography but tomorrow since it is progress reports we have an hour and fifteen minutes but we are going to watch a movie in that class it is better than taking those notes about Hitler... there are like two slides about Hitler and his biography... but tomorrow we are going to watch a movie in that class.... cannot wait to see my grade for that class.....


We finally finished our presentations on Friday. All the presentations where good and everyone was of them had something interesting in them. Well, he had more notes on Hitler. And it's taking a lot of time, but there's nothing we can do about it. We get our progress reports for Holocaust tomorrow. I'm excited to see my grade. Hopefully I'm passing and there would be no need fro Academic Assistance. Since tomorrow we have one hour and fifteen minutes with Ingram we will be watching a movie. Well at least a movie is better than taking notes on Hitler. Hopefully the movie is interesting and fun. Wish all of you a good grade since MS. Ingram said that no one is failing her class.


more notes about and his biography but i think that we need to more slides on biography but still my head hurts from all those notes we take about and his biography but still we need to more slides... but actually i had a great weekened.. and i hope that we get over those notes because they are giving me a headache... about and his biography

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Hitler is a hot mess

Hitler is a trip; he is starting to become crazy now. now at this point he is beginning to get into his crazy mode. It's hard to believe that once he was a good boy and wanted to be a priest to this devil like man we know him to be now. A lot of this come from the music he listened to and his mom death and sickness. You can connect a lot of this with today's society;people are heavily influenced by the music they hear and tragedies in their lives.
So..i just realized i started with "so" on all my blogs and this one too :) LMFAO!
So since i forgot to Blog, im blogging my last blog right now, which is thiss one,
haha i just did two previously, and now i have no clue what so ever what im blogging about now lol..besides the fact that im really nervous for Progress Reportss tomorrow and the following day. Im worried about religion most of all. Overall my classes, i think i did pretty good. Im hoping i get good grades so AA wont get in the way of Soccer Season. OMG! im super excited, its my last year, and i still remember my freshie year, wow so long ago, seems like just yesterday i started at Tepeyac :\ im going to miss this school. anyway about preogress reports, i hope i get decent grades to be out of AA already :)
So after all the girls presented i wass second to last in presenting.
I was super nervous, but i knew i had to do it either way.
As soon as i started presenting i knew i was going to be okay. lol I presented friday
first before Jenny girl.. ha! She mentioned to me that i wasa going to make hers look
like s*** but i actually didnt, well in my little world, i thought hers was pretty interesting as well
as all the other girls' presentations, but me, woah i thought i wasnt able to do it, my throat hurted even more than it did the day before, but i stuck to it eventually did my 10 minutes of presenting and i think i did even more. Thank God i went through that already :)
So i seem to have forgotten about this Blogging thing.
WOW. This week was crazyy. I've had the worst sore throat ever
and i barely started talking thursday and im barely getting better.
Class thiss week was pretty okay. Notes are really getting to me, they are
a pain in the butt and alot. I barely seem to get the whole shorten it out.
Finally my notes went from paragraphs to simple sentences.
This week is nothing compared to other weeks, this was the worst week
of my life so far :\

No More Procrastinating! ☼

i promise, for now!
need to get this done!
more notes manana!
Hitler, he had one heck of a life!
wait,oh no! Progress reports are tomorrow!
awww Mann... i hate progress reports!
their so.....long!
tomorrow all day! in three long classes!
what a drag!
Hey, I had a good weekend and...well good news! my sister is having a boy!
Been wanting a boy for three years now!
finally having a little nephew! omg! so excited!
Your sunshine,
Patty Carrillo

Hey Sunshine ☼

more notes to come huh,?
another week of blogging and another week of my leaving it to the last minute!
ahhhhh...hate when all these things are going on in one weekend!
They get all bunched up!

Your Sunshine,
Patty Carrillo


we finished with the pp we learned about all different type of villain/hero and now we are taking notes about Hitler and his biography how he didn't went to school and all those kind of stuff... there is 2 slides about Hitler and his biography...

Since we learned about Hitler wanting to be an artist I looked up some of his work and found this. The caption said 'Feldherrnhalle'
It looks alright not all that.
Hitler 's life is interesting and long. Theres a lot to go over and a lot of notes. I wonder how many kids he had??
We finally finished the pp! :( I didn't want them to end though. I actually liked them and learning about all the different people from the Holocaust. I hope we get to watch the movie that Shanissa showed. It looks really good and my favorite part of the clip that she showed was how the chick said to the German judge your soon going to be were am at!

Saturday, February 6, 2010

s all quite interesting, learning about Hitler's family and his past is kind of wired b/c ah didnt really think he had ah childhood but ah guess he did..
Holocaust is not daht easy as ah thought it wud be, its fun to learn about but hard at dah same time cause its a lot of history to take in at once but it

uhhh.........finally, blogging!!!

ohkay so i finally got the internet bak at dah house and now ah cud actually do my work lol.......anyways....during the presentations ah learned a lot, even though ah took somewhat of ah Holocaust class at Peace....ah didn't learn as much as ah am learning in this class, i think its very helpful to learn things of dah past cuz history is made every day and jus learning how the world has changed from about 30-45 years most people see things in ah different way.

Friday, February 5, 2010

i have really learned a lot of new things on Hitler's 's bio. he had not much good of a education. he was a trouble maker and did a lot of crazy things. i wished we could have learned more about his crush though. i cant believe he didn't finish high and didn't get accepted. Hitlers early life wasn't at all that good. cant wait to learn more
Today in class we finished with our last presentations, so yayy!! i like Nelly's presentation it was really interesting how the museum remembered all the Jews that were killed. the museum looked really big from and weird shape looking. i liked the song that the dude sang and how he represented the Nazis in the video. the Jews looked so skinny and pale. jenny's presentation was good also the guy's name was pretty funny. i liked all the presentations.


I've learned so many notes about Hitler and also yesterday i did my presenation in class it went pretty well only liked i missed to slides thats it but i did okay in my presentation and i hope my grade will come out good... where not done with notes about Hitler biography we need like two more slides also it is interesting about Hitler biography that he didn't went to school and also how his parents got divorced when hitler was a little kid.. i hope that we got over the notes because those notes are kind of making me tired my stomach hurts when Ms. Ingram talks about hitler in class but i will get used to it... i hope that we finished those notes about hitler

Thursday, February 4, 2010

SO COOL!!!!!!!!!!

I have learned so much in class so far about hitler. His life as a youth was so crazy he was a sweet apple that turned sour. High school for him was not his thing at all but art was and thats what drove him back in his younger days. He changed so quickly over the years all because of some history books and opera. What really confused me was why wouldn't he talk to the girl he liked maybe that would had changed him a little.

Adolf Bby Pic & Class Today

Today, Ashley Gill gave her presentation on Adolf(??). I don't really remember his last name right now. I'm mad that she missed my presentation because I know she really wanted to see it. Maybe I'll do it for her again on our free time. Sounds like a plan!! o'Yeah! I fond out Hitler is more like his dad than he knows, they both have relations with their nieces! How gross is that?
We are almost done with the presentations just got twp more to go. And we are getting progress reports on Monday and Tuesday and I hope that I'm passing all my classes. Hopefully I am. Well we will be done with our presentations but Hitler's is still not done. Hitler's bio is taking a long time, I don't even think that we are half way there. Well hopefully we will be done soon. And that we get to see the movie THE LAST DAYS. It just looks really interesting!!!
This week so far everything has been great. We have two more presentations to do and we are finally done. All of the presentations have been wonderful so far. And it was nice how yesterday we didn't have class, because we had a mass. The mass was interesting and funny. Father Marc was loud and funny. He gave a good mass. and at the end we all got a special blessing. When I went up there i was kinda scared because I didn't know what the priest or deacon where doing. But it was nice that all of us got our throat blessed.

2/4/2010 :)

So I don't know why.. but i really want to see that movie Valkyrie. lol
I never saw it but I know its a recent movie. Actually, I want to see a lot of movies in Holocaust Class. lol
Ugh !! so many notes .. it unbelievable lol. tough love from ms. ingram :)
Church yesterday was ok .. I cant believe father mark was there. I remember him when i was alittle girl. lol


Today class was okay. Carla's presentation was good It was just kind of hard to hear. Ashley Gill's Presentation was good. I like how her guy's name is also Adolf. She was really good at talking loud and clear and she really knew her research on top of her head. Good Job! Hitler's biography today was really cute and sweet how he had a big crush on Stephanie but he was to shy. I like how he had his own little world in his imagination. I feel bad for him but he seemed like a cool guy to be friends with.

White Rose

Shanissa presentation was very interesting I really enjoyed it. What thse people did was very brave especially the girl who didn't even break. Now I want to watch the movie because I'm sure their life was incredible for me to see. I wonder what pushed them that far to do something so nice and kind. Good job Shanissa keep up the good work!


Ashley and Carla did their presentations today. Good job ladies!
We continued our notes on Hitler's long and boring life. He still has a soft spot in his heart for drawing and is an extensive reader. Even though he likes reading, he is still doing poorly in school. Since he wasn't doing so hot in school he began to act out. Adolf would rearrange furniture, argue with teachers (especially the ones he didn't care for much), and do the opposite of what he was told.
In the end, his French teacher made a deal with him: take the final and leave. Hitler took the deal and left his school in Linz. I'm guessing the last thing his teacher told him was "Au Revoir!" (:

No one can argue, Hitler is an "original."

Amour Toujours (Love Always in French)

-Nessa [k]

Wednesday, February 3, 2010



No Class.

We didn't have class today. YES YES YES YES YES! :D
Ha. I'm being sarcastic Ms.Ingram! I do enjoy Holocaust class, I swear. *
Yesterday we did more presentations and continued our never-ending notes on Hitler. Now that he's the big cheese of the house he's going to get a taste of what it's like to be in charge. Uh-Ohh. Maybe that's where he got power hungry?! Ehh, ehhh?

That's all for now.


-Nessa k


today we didn't had holocaust because we went to church and that's a good thing because i didn't had to do my presentation in front of te class and also didn't took notes today but tomorrow will some people are going to present tomorrow and also we are going to take notes about Hitler and there is 2 slides that we ave to do... will yesterday i didn't went to school because i was sick... but i sure didn't miss a a lot i did but i could copy te notes from somebody.... also i got my paper and presentation for tomorrow......


So today we didn't get to have Holocaust and the reason was mass. Normally mass is long and tiring , but today it was totally different. We had a new preacher and he was like the most hilarious person I've ran into this far in life. When we would say the prayers as a church he would be off key. He said everything right after us as if he didn't know the words. He was so animated when he did the Our Father it was so funny. Then, the deacon was way shorter than him and in prayer we have to hold hands and they looked funny. The preacher lifted up his hands to say Amen and the deacon was so short that he had to stand on the tip of his toes to keep from falling. omG! Then, my dean Ms. Ingram was so annoyed by the preacher because he kept talking and she made me laugh with her sorrowful looks. Ms.Ingram is such an actress and she kept mumbling "Good mother of God." I really enjoyed Mass in the place of Holocaust, but tomorrow it's back to Hitler's biography.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Headache much,yup! ☼

Shanissa's presentation blew me away!
maybe the fact that they were heroes and they stood up for themselves in the court room and talked back to them was pretty cool!
We must see that movie!
Thank god we didn't take notes today!

Had a big headache all day, i managed though'
Sorry Miss. Ingram, didn't have no one to pick me up for AA by the way!
my brother and step dad are really sick right!
I fell asleep all day today (in the afternoon) for a while
Its going to be 11 soon, must get some sleep!

Your Sunshine,
Patty Carrillo ☼

Today Shanissa(dont know if i spelled it right) presented her heros, Sophia and Hans Scholl. They were very interesting to learn about. I think that clip that she showed us about the execution was very good, and i hope we can watch the whole movie. We also took more notes on Hitler.

My Class Time Today!! Yay :)

Today in Holocaust I did my presentation on Hans and Sophie Scholl of the White Rose and it was better than what I thought it would be. I really thought that people were not going to like it, particularly the videos. To my surprise, they actual liked it and they want to see the movie. I did think that my people were interesting, but you know how when you think something is interesting and others don't find it quite amusing, you feel like a little nerd. LoL!! I actually did enjoy myself today, except of when the YouTube app kept messing up. It kind of annoyed and entertained the class. I really do love Holocaust and I'm so excited about reading Ghetto Diary, I actually like the book.


will yesterday i was going to present but the power point it didn't show up in miss Ingram computer but i don't know why it wouldn't show up... will she told me to resend it again but I'm going to ask Shaffer again maybe he could help but tomorrow i will have my presentation and paper... i know that i could do this tomorrow but i will at least try my best to present in class tomorrow.... will actually I'm te first one to go tomorrow and maybe i am going to pick te next person to go next.... i know that i can do this...


today i didn't went to school because i had a doctor's appointment and i got paper done and everything but i am going to email it to miss Ingram.... i did miss some notes but i could get it from somebody but for sure tomorrow i am going to have my paper turn in will i am going to email it to her....

Todays Presentations

Today's Presentations was really cool. Shanissa (sorry for spelling your name wrong) I thought your presentation was amazing! You really knew your stuff and I got really hooked on the movie. I can't wait for you to buy the movie. Thanks to you we didn't have to take notes. Marlissa Good Job to you as well. Good thing I already read chapter 2 since last week now I don't have to read it.

Todays class 2/2

So today I really liked Nisa presentation. Especially, the videos it really grab my attention.
Also I think we should totally watch that movie the final days. Looks cool and it is about Holocaust. I can't believe that old guy survived the dangers he was putting himself into, while the others were executed with honor. Its like we still have history living within us to teach us what we should become as better people in the world. The white rose just wanted to proctect there home instead of putting there land through war.


Shanyce did her presentation today. [wow] it was quite short, though the videos where incredible. i hope she gets the movie so we can view it in class. i would really love to see the beginning and the rest of it. =]

Monday, February 1, 2010

Today in class nobody wanted to present their powerpoints, i guess they were all nervous but barve elise went up and volunteered. she did good, i liked ur backgrounds by the way. we took notes on hitler's bio and his dad died and he was glad about it, in a way it was his dad's fault becuase he was rough on him and never let him do what he wanted. but know Hitler can do what he wants and do art. i cant wait wat he has in mind next!;)

My Presentation

Today I did my presentation. At first Vanessa asked who wanted to go and nobody answered but then a voice inside me said "Just go lisa! get over it already then you won't have to worry about it!" so I volunteered and went for it. I was so nervous but I guess it went pretty well. I hoping to get a good grade Ms. Ingram Okay! Lets see how presentations go tomorrow :)

Good For Some...

celeste, Marlisa and Carla--you need to get a move on with these blogs!  Your grades will suffer because of your lack of blogging.

Thanks to everyone else!  nice job.



on Friday class was interesting because we actually started the presentations in class but i did my presentation but i don't like to stand in front in class and talk about it.... but oh well i will try my best to present today in class
I think that the biography of Adolf Hitler is boring. He is a very boring person. Adolf Hitler family history is very strange. He is a very rude person for burning down his hometown. I find that to be very cynical, what person in their right mind would want their hometown to be destroyed? I am ready for the biography to end.


OK, so now I'm kind of tired of blogging! Ugh, Ms.Ingram can we do something else?? On the plus side, i can't wait to tell the class about my heroes. I have some really interesting videos in my opinion. Ugh Holocaust! Oh my God did you guys watch the Grammys last night. Why didn't Kanye be ignorant? But anyways back to Holocaust huh i wonder what we're going to learn today!! Wait oh my God.. Did you guys see Jamie Foxx? He was about to go horse back riding. LOL!!!
I am very glad that we are starting our presentations, but I am not ready for my presentation. It's not that I am not prepared. I'm very nervous and I hate being in front of the class. I hope I remember my information.
The class this week is very interesting because we are now starting the presentations of our villains or heroes. Many of these power points are very creative. I really like the power points.


So, i found this really funny video of Hitler complaining about the IPad and it is so hilarious. Hitler is at it again he is always finding something to complain about. He claims that apple has let him down so now he is going to wait for AT&T to come out with something better. He even said that the IPad looks like a giant maxi pad. LOL!!