Tuesday, February 2, 2010

My Class Time Today!! Yay :)

Today in Holocaust I did my presentation on Hans and Sophie Scholl of the White Rose and it was better than what I thought it would be. I really thought that people were not going to like it, particularly the videos. To my surprise, they actual liked it and they want to see the movie. I did think that my people were interesting, but you know how when you think something is interesting and others don't find it quite amusing, you feel like a little nerd. LoL!! I actually did enjoy myself today, except of when the YouTube app kept messing up. It kind of annoyed and entertained the class. I really do love Holocaust and I'm so excited about reading Ghetto Diary, I actually like the book.

1 comment:

  1. The picture is actually pretty cool. Omg you made me want to really see that movie now! My heart dropped when they killed her. ugh I liked that she standed up for herself in the court room. pretty cool stuff, huh? (:
