Thursday, February 4, 2010


Ashley and Carla did their presentations today. Good job ladies!
We continued our notes on Hitler's long and boring life. He still has a soft spot in his heart for drawing and is an extensive reader. Even though he likes reading, he is still doing poorly in school. Since he wasn't doing so hot in school he began to act out. Adolf would rearrange furniture, argue with teachers (especially the ones he didn't care for much), and do the opposite of what he was told.
In the end, his French teacher made a deal with him: take the final and leave. Hitler took the deal and left his school in Linz. I'm guessing the last thing his teacher told him was "Au Revoir!" (:

No one can argue, Hitler is an "original."

Amour Toujours (Love Always in French)

-Nessa [k]

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