Friday, May 7, 2010

Ahhhhh! (:

Still thinking of ideas for the project (:
Has to girlie and full of life but w/a twist.i like.
Oh Oh Oh! Guess what? (currently) I'm watching Ghost Adventures <--Which is so freaking awesome! and they are in Penn State, and they were going up the staircase and I saw a swastika(OMG) So cool, but not really! omg. they just heard a ghost!
Miss Ingram your amazing, but this is too good to miss (:
oh wait, did I tell you I had a dream like 4 days ago(I know I still remember, cause it was sooo cool!haha) anyways.... that the whole class went to Auschwitz and we stayed there at night and had video camera and we were like ghost hunters it was really scary and we lost carla and buzo and we went looking for them, it was pretty scarey. my imagination drives me nuts (:
Must get back to the show!
It's on the Travel Channel(Watch it!)
So Cool!

Your Sunshine,
Patty Carrillo (:

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