Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Shindler's list ended today and it was really sad and I felt so tense thinking the Jews were going to die when they arrived at the Auschwitz and also when they went inside the gas chamber. I wasn't really liking the movie but today it was really good and sad how at the end everyone put a rock on top of his tomb.

Monday, May 17, 2010

The final project

for my project i am going to do a diary and talk about my experience in Holocaust.....

the movie is good

If we dont finish the movie I might just rent it :)
lol. plus its hard to see the movie cuz its so dark.
you need to fix that asap... jk
But i really like the movie, makes me sad and mad that the kids were sentenced to death with out knowing.. well except for those other kids that ran away from it. :(
Shindler's list is okay. There is other Holocaust movies that are better for example "Life is Beautiful" or "The boy in the striped pijammas". I guess I don't like the movie because you can't even see the screen It is too dark. I can't wait till we get out I am too stressed with projects, presentations, study guides.
Ugh still sick today! So I'm not going to class I'm goin to the doctor! And I'll bring the doctors note 2 marrooo. But yeah gunna go bak to sleep for an hour er soo , so byee.

Sunday, May 16, 2010


I am not ready for this exam in June. I'm not good at taking test in the first place and the test is long. I study but when I do I always fail. At the end of the day, as long as I get a good grade than I'm ok. I wish everyone good luck on their test, especially the seniors.

The Final Project!

For my project I'm going to make a dummy doll of Hitler. This dummy is going to look a hot mess especially his face. I am going get him some doll clothes to go on him. I think I am going to put him in a green Nazi outfit. I can not wait!

i'm almost done!

I can not believe we're at the end of our Holocaust journey together. I had lots of fun learning with you guys. This course have taught me more than the Holocaust, it taught me more about yall and myself. My favorite part about the class was the museum trip that was crazy. To end this blog I will say I'm going to miss you guys. SSSSSIIIIIIIIKKKKKKKKKKKEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We have also started waching a movie which is really interesting. I like because the girl in the red coat comes out and she looks so cute. That part is my favorite part so far.
Hey everyone...well this is are our last blogs.... This week was kinda easy all we did was to take notes for part of the week...

Saturday, May 15, 2010

last thing haha

forgot to mention:
i have commented
in my classmates
blogger just to earn
extra credit! :D

last blogger! (yay)

& i will still mention am senior; almost out
of school but with a lot of pressure :( so
pretty much we took notes the first half of
the week. now i have to prepare myself
for the BIG exam coming up :(

still blogging!

Thursday i wasn't in class because
it was senior ditch day; meaning i
missed out on the first part of the
movie. & well since am a senior i got
a lot of stuff to hand in :( projects from
every class including this one. good thing is
am currently working on the book slide show
for extra credit & the board. ahhhhh i just
hope i pass all my classes!! D:


so i haven't been blogging
because Mr.mac blocked
blogger over at the school :(
7 right now am in sat class
trying to complete my 3blogs.
well yesterdays movie was sad.
i still cant believe that the
Holocaust did occur at one
point. but at the end am glad
its over (:

Friday, May 14, 2010

the movie

So today the movie was so sad.
Made me mad >.<
Oh ! i saw the little girl in the red coat. :D she looks so cute and scared
I didnt like the fact that in the board the movie looks really dark. ugh
but i cant wait to finish the movie.
It was really nice of him that he was trying to save as many jews as possible in a way.
yesterday was Senior Ditch day! I had lots of fun! I don't know what's wrong with me I read and when it comes to the quizzes I don't do a good job but then I take the test and I pass! The movie so far is pretty good I like it. It has lots of action and it makes you get depressed. I feel so bad for all the innocent people.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

ohkay sooo my allergies are here and they stinkk!! :{ im forgetting about the project lol but im going to start that asap! i hope im going out this weekend!! yess!!! im kinda sad im going to miss this class! it wasnt that bad im kinda nervous about the exam but if i have timeinstead of just studing the study guide im going to TRYY! and complete some of it just in case i hope not tho do baad on my exam! well going to sleep! PEACE

Wednesday, May 12, 2010


Yesterday class was pretty fun I started working on my modeling project It is going to be great! I got lots of woodchips on my hand because my dad was helping me cut the wood for the project. I hope it turns out amazing because I am putting lots of effort into it I've been waiting for this project since junior year!

Blog Number One

Let's see...

The seniors only have like 3 days of school left...Lucky!

Chapter 17 reading quiz later on today.

We're going to start our movie tomorrow.

It's great to know that Jews have somewhere to call home (:

&now I have to get ready for school.

See yaaaa;


Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Dreams ☼

This rain must stop already!
My mom is in Mexico enjoying the sunshine (:
she is so lucky
I'm kind of sad that the class is ending...
Oh Life is just great!
Went shopping on sunday and got many new vintage outfits
oh and so many new shoes, their really sexy and very high.perfect.
Life is Great!

Your Sunshine,
Patty Carrillo

almost done

we only have 4 weeks of school left! yay.. so holocaust is almost over. i have to say that i have had some great times in that class but i am also happy that we are almost out of school so i can enjoy my summer! i'm on the countdown!! LOL

Monday, May 10, 2010

Ready for the week but can't wait for the weekend! hummm we're almost done with the book sooo yea...
Idk what to do for the project yet. But I am excited. I want to do a model but I am not sure yet.
Last week was so much fun. Hardly had class so it was cool. Sucked that we didn't walk. But the zoo was fun! Hope this week goes by fast.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

I can't wait

This doesn't involve Holocaust class but I can't wait until school is out. I have been waiting so long for summer and it's almost here. Hopefully I will get the internship with CSBI and then I could have a job this summer. My future is looking so strong and that's how it's going to stay. After the summer I will finally be a SENIOR!

End of The Road

Well, it's coming to a end for this hell on earth. I still can't wait to see how this is going to end. I wonder what happen to most of the Jews when they were freed. I want to hear about their experience being free. Hurry! Hurry! Ms.Ingram

the history channel

On Saturday i watched a documentary about Hitler and his bodyguard. It was so boring! I couldn't help but fall asleep; but, I did catch a little bit of it. From what I picked up his own bodyguard tried to kill him but it didn't work. At the end of it, it showed how Himmler and Hitler died.
This week we hardly had any class because of spirit week.Also im really looking forward to our final project and finals.Im going to do my best in this class because it is my favorite class.I gotta get working on that project.Spirit week was so much fun and relaxing.My favorite day was twin day because we went to odysey fun world.I hope I pass my AP exam.
wow! 9 more days for the seniors starting monday :( chapter 12 was really interesting how the Operation Harvest Festival was the last operation Reinhard the extermination of the Jews. Also how the ZOB killed fifty Nazis that was pretty cool they had so much courage to face a powerful army.

Saturday, May 8, 2010


Spirit week was fun i enjoyed every moment of it! altough odyssey fun world was kinda boring! but oh well! i missed class this week! i hope i had holocaust instead of GEOMETRY!! i hate that class but wateves! today i went shopping in Michigan City with the Fam it was a little nippy but i enjoyed it i went to Nine West, Pacsun,Coach,Old Navy, Hollister, Ralph Lauren and Calvin klien. it was a blast spent 5 hours their! and came home with 5 trips back to the car! lol but tomarro im going to c Iron Man with the fam SSOOOO excited!!!!


Friday, May 7, 2010

Ahhhhh! (:

Still thinking of ideas for the project (:
Has to girlie and full of life but w/a twist.i like.
Oh Oh Oh! Guess what? (currently) I'm watching Ghost Adventures <--Which is so freaking awesome! and they are in Penn State, and they were going up the staircase and I saw a swastika(OMG) So cool, but not really! omg. they just heard a ghost!
Miss Ingram your amazing, but this is too good to miss (:
oh wait, did I tell you I had a dream like 4 days ago(I know I still remember, cause it was sooo cool!haha) anyways.... that the whole class went to Auschwitz and we stayed there at night and had video camera and we were like ghost hunters it was really scary and we lost carla and buzo and we went looking for them, it was pretty scarey. my imagination drives me nuts (:
Must get back to the show!
It's on the Travel Channel(Watch it!)
So Cool!

Your Sunshine,
Patty Carrillo (:


Today was very cold.
too cold for zoo and animals to be outside waiting for us to stare at them (;
We were mostly inside, but we took a heck of hilarious pictures.
not including the photo booth.haha
Spring is just perfect.huh?

Your Sunshine,
Patty Carrillo (:

Well, Hello (:

What a week!
went too fast! Can't wait for the weekend!
It's my cousin's birthday and we are hitting a hard core club! O.M.G!
I'm getting sick though' wish me luck.
Going to dance the night awayyyyy!
Hard Electro House.Perfect.
Life is Good!

Your Sunshine, Patty Carrillo (:

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

I read chapter 12 yesterday and I was ready to take the quiz :( This chapter is really interesting how the Nazi are burning, digging up corpses to hide the evidence from the Allies which is Russia who keeps pushing Germany backwards. Everything keeps getting exciting how they are almost liberated!


We have not been talking about Hitler in Holocaust no more! I am so shocked because I thought everything about the Holocaust would pertain to Hitler, but I guess not. On the other hand, it is spirit week and sadly I'm no in the spirit! I'm ready to go home and catch some Zs..

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

spirit week

spirit week is finally here we had fun yesterday at odyssey world and many students did enjoy it. but Holocaust seems pretty good so far so i hope that this week continues like that???

Monday, May 3, 2010

The tests scores were good! I hope class is not boring this week! soo idk!
The resistance was awesome! Even if they weren't able to beat all the Nazis they still stood up and fought!
omg this week is going to be fun!!! lol I can't wait! ummm well class will be fun too. ummm the notes were the same. But the chapter was awsome!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Lets get it!!!!

I would most definitely try to fight against the Nazi if I was a Jew. My plan would be to kill them one at a time. When you kill person by person it causes less chaos. Each group would have certain roles to play in my army. The Nazis wouldn't want a piece of me!

Spirit week

Before the Holocaust, I wonder what things the Jews did for fun. Did they play outside games, sports, dance or sing? At OLT we have spirit week, I wonder did they have the same thing. During slavery, slave sung songs as codes to warn other slave; I wonder did the Jews did too. I'll ask Ms.Ingram on Monday.

what happen to hitler?

So far in this class, for a couple of months, we have been talking about camps, the Jews, etc. but no Hitler. We moved away from him and his evilness. I want to know what he had been up to at the time. I can't wait until we turn the light his way. Hopefully soon enough we can check in with him.







I can't believe the seniors have 14 days left of school! I am really excited but at the same time I am going to really miss it especially Holocaust it is the best class I have ever had of all four years of high school. Are we going to have time to finish the book? I hope so because I really want to know everything of the Holocaust and what happened to Hitler.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

I really liked our trip to NIU. I had a lot of fun and I learned a lot too. But I really do think that I would get lost if I was a student there. But other than that everything was good. We at least got a break from all of our school work on Thristy Thrusday. This week went by pretty fast. Before we know it we will be out of school and we will be seniors.
Ohh my god.... I'm excited for spirit week. I can't wait for Monday. Hopefully we have fun and everything turns out good like we want to. Monday is also twin day! I'm really excited but I guess I have to wait and see how things go.
well this past week in Holocaust we learned about chapter 11. We Started taking notes on the chapter. We also got our test back and I was surprised with my grade. The notes for chapter 11 are very long. Hopefully we finish it soon. Chapter 11 is kind off confusing though. hopefully I pass the quiz that we took on wednesday. I read the chapter but it was really long and confusing. I tried my best so hopefully I did good.

last blog (yay)

last blog & my task is done!
we got some quizzes back &
got to do quiz corrections.
I've been studying for the tests
& i been doing alright (: although
i will try catching up more to
bring up my grade. I've also started
reading the book for extra credit :)

2nd blog

so Wednesday & Thursday i wasn't in
class :( i wonder what i missed out on.
well Friday they talked about taking more
notes, so that's usual. i will just ask one of
my classmates for the notes (:

1st blog

this week went by so fast.
I was only in class for
3days :O i kind of even
forgot what we talked about
Monday & Tuesday. How
terrifying is that (haha)