Monday, April 5, 2010

Chaotic! ☼

I had a crazy weekend!
I tanned up! Yay!
just got back from the hospital!
i thought i was going to be back before 11:00am enought time to blog, but sorry
It was a nightmare though'
No worries, I'm okay (;
my aunt isn't
I was in the emergency room, and I never been surrounded by homeless people in one room
it was the most horrible smell i have ever in my life smelled! Ahh
i will never again use my ipod there ever again, they were smiling at me and some were just plainly staring at me, it was unconfortable!
my mom stayed at the hospital still, I'm home, here without no sleep!(WOW)
Well I must get my beauty sleep! I need it! (:
P.S Have a great break! & Goodnight!
Your Sunshine,
Patty Carrillo (:

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