Friday, April 30, 2010

Last One ☼

Third One!
Spirit week is here!
Been waiting all year for this!
This year, it's going to go awesome!
I have service tomorrow!
oh geee'
I must get to bed or I'm never going to wake up!

Your Sunshine,
Patty Carrillo

Second one of the Night ☼

Tomorrow I got service then a party!
Need to look beautiful, meeting some people!
Life is just great!
Holocaust, well i did well on the test! 97%
ZOB <--- (: amazing.
Finally something good during the Holocaust.
The Nazis got a piece of their mind.
Check out the pictures of NIU (:

Your Sunshine,
Patty Carrillo

Friday Night ☼

What a week!
Went by so fast!
Progress reports were good but could have been better!
Got two high B's and the rest all A's (:
I know your proud of me.
very much (;Excited for what is coming up.
I feel like good things are going to happen soon!
NIU went well, So far, I think I will enjoy the college life and getting all that freedom that comes with it. What a life!A random one (:

Your Sunshine,
Patty Carrillo

Thursday, April 29, 2010

OHAKY SOOO I HAVNT BLOGGED in a long time im sorry but oh well bloggin now.. i tuk the test on wed it was kunda easy id like to think so hopefully i get a gud grade.. missin class and dnt relli have anything to blog about
We haven't had class for a few days. I kinda miss class, but I don't have to do all of that work. It's great that school is almost over.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Number One.

We took our test yesterday.
I think that was the hardest Holocaust test we have taken! Ahh.

And today notes dragged! But on the other hand it made me happy to know the Jews fought back. They stood up for themselves. Not many people have the guts to do that, especially against the Nazis. Go Jews!

Progress reports /: I could have done better. All B's and one C. Not cool in my book!

I got my ACT score back: 28! Woot Woot! My mom wants me to take it again. I'm not sure yet.

NIU tomorrow!

Love, Nessa k
Today class was boring! We miss Ms. Ingram. Mr. Shelton doesnt explain anything it we like Ms.Jamieson better as a substitute. I forgot to read chapter 11 so I hope I pass the chapter quiz. I was the only senior in Holocaust today:(

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

The test

Ok so i completely forgot some meaning of what the colors mean. :/
which is such a bummer for me.
I need to work on having a better memory for these things.
But im happy that im passing Holocaust :D
Today we had a test on chapters 8-9. That test was not what I expected. I just hope I did good. I'm so glad it's almost time for Holocaust to be over. The class has been fun , but I'm getting too lazy to do this class.

Progress Report/ Test

Today We received our progress report and I did a great job I so happy! I am so ready to graduate and take the Holocaust Final. I thought the chapter 8-9 test was going to be harder but it was easy. I am hoping for an A+ I studied really hard so I better get a good score. I was so happy I got a good score on my chapter 5-6. I am so sad that Holocaust is almost over I don't want it to end. :(
We have progress reports today in Holocaust. I'm very curious to know my grade. I think I'm doing good, but you never know. I've been slacking since this quarter started. I hope I don't have A.A. I hope everybody progress reports are good.
Class yesterday was fun. We didn't have to do anything. More than half of the class was gone to a meeting. I wish class would be like that today, but we have a test today. I hope I do good.

Monday, April 26, 2010

idk what else to write.!! ummm hope this week goes by fast like last week! grrrrr
The chapters are really interesting. The life in the camps and how they were treated. I wouldn't be able to live through that.
Last week was crazy. i had choir practice everyday for the benefit. I think the benefit went well. I really liked it because it was my first time. I was glad to stay after wards and help out. Hopefully I get to go again next year because I really enjoyed it and had a lot of fun.
Well last week went by pretty fast. The notes are long as usual. Mr. Shelton just was alright he just showed us the notes and the vocab.
Class was easy last week. Even though i was out everyday for half of the class period I learned some things. And we also have a test today. I just hope that i do good. I didn't really study a lot but I learned about the things in class. I think the test is going to be easy but who knows. Well I just hope that everything goes well.
This past week in Holocaust class we just took notes. The class okay I guess but everything was chaos because of the benefit. WE took notes on chapters 9 and 10. I think it was the easiest class so far. I'm really enjoying the class I'm learning a lot about the holocaust.

Sunday, April 25, 2010


We had a soccer game on Saturday morning right after the Benefit. I got hurt between the legs, I thought I was going to throw up breakfast it hurted so bad. We won but they was down players so I didn't think it was fair. I showed up late because my uncle funeral was that day in I had to help out a little. The best part is I GOT MY HAIR DONE! finally!


So the latest in Holocaust class is that we have a test on Tuesday. I can't wait until we're done with school. I don't like taking test that's why I wanna skip to summer break. It's like I study but a lot of times I still do bad. I hope I do bad on the Holocaust test.


The Jews was so brave to try to fight back against the Nazis. After all that hell they went through so far I wouldn't have no energy. I was to work in the gun factory i would have messed up all their guns. In my own option, fighting back was the right thing to do. Great Effort!
So we didn't have a half day on Wednesday, it was kinda boring with
Shelton as our sub because he doesn't give explanations like Ms. Ingram does. I don't wanna go to school tomorrow, i wanna stay home and sleep.
So we're almost going to take our chapter 8 and 9 test and i think ima do good. We didn't have school on thursday or friday because of the benefit, and we had Mr.Shelton as our sub and we took more notes with him. The year is almost over which means finals, and i know ima be nervous for holocaust cuz it's probably going to have a lot of vocab and dates to remember. :/

It was great at the end of the night when some were just dancing, including us the students!
It was funny, oh and miss ortega, we caught drinking. shots. pictures. Oh how Great!
We wandered around looking for teachers, found some!
I got some great pictures from the Benefit!
It was very elegant, we did a good job!
The first shift of the giving tree, we sold alot!
we kept going back and forth and changing the little papers and putting them back on the tree
this lady was rude to me. (I'll forget that ever happened).
the speeches were great! choir did well too!
Oh and my feet did not hurt Saturday morning. incredible huh?

Your Sunshine,
Patty Carrillo

Benefit went well!
I met alot of people!
oh also this guys came up to me and told me that miss noonan grandfather, or something like that was in a concentration camp. idk
but it was cool
oh and i met alot of people mothers and fathers , and + sisters!
I had alot of fun!

Your Sunshine,
Patty Carrillo シ

All is great!
rainy weekend! ugh
Holocaust, oh great!
I forgot my notebook to study, I'll try my hardest! promise!
So tired!
I'm ready for school!

Your Sunshine,
Patty Carrillo シ

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Chapter 8-9 are almost here! Ahh! I hope I pass them, I am going to study really hard. I think in the Buchenwald they were really mean when it said"Each gets what he deserves" I don't that fits the Jews because they did nothing wrong to deserve all that pain and torture. The Nazi's actually deserve to be treated like that.

last bloggggg :D

wed. class was eh? boring; i was
angry though because we didn't
have a half day =/ haha; well any who
it was another day with Mr.Shelton
in class. we took more notes but
actually finished them :) if I'm not
wrong, i believe we got some vocab.
to do. but yay! 5day weekend. how
amazing is that.
(well i wish everyone in the benefit good
luck- everyone seems to be stressed- hope
it all turns out good) :D


ummm what can i say; tuesday's
class, we had mr.shelton as a sub;
it was straight having him although
i would rather have ms.ingram teachin
the class :) why is that? because he
knew nothing when shanice would ask
him questions ^^^ dont know if
thats how you spell her name =/ -> &&
knowing ms.Ingram she would've known
beyond what had been asked ;)

monday class :O

wowers this week was really
insane. we did almost nothing.
Monday was the only day
ms.Ingram was in class. how
upsetting is that :( bah-ha.
any who Monday was alright.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

So this weekend i have to study for chapters 8 and 9, I think this time i dont really have to study the vocab because i know most of them and there's not alot. i think i have to study more my notes and know all the important stuff. i hope we finish the whole book because i was galncing at the other chapters and they look really interesting. there was some disturbing pictures of Jews how they looked in the camps. and they were super skinny more than anorexic and i read under the pic that the Jews weighed btwn 1oo-11o pounds. man and I tought my sister was
poor jews they suffered alot.
we finally finished with chapter 1o which by the way was one of the shortest chapters. I learned alot from the chapter. know i know that some Jews did try to stop the Nazi's, im glad somebody was brave enough to step up and do something about it. the stories in the notes were really crazy, especailly the one with the lady that put her heel inside the Nazi's head thats got to be some pain. also the one with the teen that beat up the Nazi soldier he's one barve kid. the Nazi's got what they derserve haha!!GoJews!!!

benifit week crazy!!!!

Well this week is the craziest and probably the week where evreybody is stressed especially poor Ms.Ingram. We havent done that much in class because of the benift so that's good for us no hw.well we survived with Mr.Shelton taking over. it was really quiet tough during class, just taking notes quietly was booring. Im glad benefit week is alomost over. I cant wait for the projects:) I hope i don't have a hard time making it tough.
This week was really crazy. Everyone had different schedules because of the benefit. I didn't really get to be in class a lot because I had choir practices for the benefit. I just hope that I do good on the test on Monday.
Today class was really boring! I miss you ms. Ingram when are you back! I don't like Mr.Shelton he is so boring and he doesn't talk during notes like you do. I feel much better because I am on task I got my notes from Rocio! Thank you. I hope I pass my chapter 8 and 9 test I am going to study really hard because I haven't been in class because of choir and Benefit. Did you know yesterday was Adolf Hitler's Birthday?
Class yesterday went by fast. Ms. Ingram wasn't there so it was kinda boring because all we did was take notes. Even though it was boring we did what we needed to do.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Ugh! I am so mad! because Ms. Thompson and Ms. Jamieson keep calling us down for the Benefit and Choir. I have no idea where we are in notes I am confused in class. I just want The Benefit to end already so I can have time for Holocaust and catch up with my work! I hate it that it is always during 4th period this is my favorite class. Can I borrow somebody's notes? BITTE!

Monday, April 19, 2010

hummm yessss we don't have to the other book!
I want to read it though it sounds interesting I hope I don't need the extra points. I can't wait for the model projects.
The chapters were so sad this week. The ones about the life in the camps were sad. How they looked and were they slept. How could Nazis could even stand and see how these people look or lived.
This week was cool.
The quizzes were alright. I got okay grades but I did want better grades. I am ready for this week.
I'm so tired right now because of Saturday. It really took a lot out of me. I'm so glad I went to prom it was so great.
The weekend was so great. Saturday the seniors did it up. We had so much fun. The prom was so beautiful. I had a great time. All of the ladies looked so beautiful with their dresses.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Too tired! ☼

I had a crazy weekend!
I attended this art gallery somewhere in the west side, by halsted, I think
It had pretty cool stuff!
I went shopping!
got my some new platforms! and alot of accessories!
So that thing that happened with Poland not long ago, well i was watching the news and they were saying a wife of one of the husband's that was on the plane might be a new leader, idk something like that.

Your Sunshine,
Patty Carrillo ☼

Cold! ☼

Summer isn't sure hurrying up!
I got a new bikini, it's very lovely!<3
although' i can't wear, too cold!
wayyy wayy too cold!
(: we'll see what were going to learn now in class this week
Hope not much!

Your Sunshine,
Patty Carrillo ☼

What a Week! ☼

So many things going on!
I hate taking notes, lately I've been really tired when I go to school
i need to get alot more sleep!
big time!
my mom is taking the week off!
She gets to take me everywhere I want!
ahha. I doubt that!
(; All is well!

Your Sunshine,
Patty Carrillo
that crazy doctor Mengle a.k.a the angel of death, crazy guy. he really had an obession espeacially with twins. know i really ger why such an obsession over them. some people can be such wierdos. he killed a lot of inoccent people just to do those dumb test. why din't he run a test on himslef instead of children. he had no pitty what a shame. im glad hes not alive right now who know what else he could have done! chapter 9 was on eof my favorite chapters because it described how badly the were treated and because of crazy Dr.Mengle.
I cant believe that the school year is almost over and Holocaust class is alomost over, Im going to miss this class especially the field trip it was fun. and espacially the long notes. talking about notes we aremoving on to chapter 10, I hope those aren't long. I learned alot so far espacially the Jews being treated so horrible in the camps with all the signs I cant imagine being myself in a camp like that. i wouldnt even last a day. poor Jews they suffered alot. I wonder what would have happened it the Jews suceesfully fought against the Nazis?
this week went pretty mormal. we took notes on chapter 9 we finished them actually. and we took a reading quiz which i didn't do that good on. we also had to read chapter 10 which i read and was kind of boring it wasnt that interesting like the other ones. it talked mostly about the Jews not fighting back aganist the Nazis. the were some cool facts of why. the good news is that we dont need to do the book report which i think was kind of you Ms. Ingram.thanks:)
Chapter 9 is one of my favorites it is very interesting. I hate Josef Mengele he is so cruel and I hate how they called him "Angel of Death" that says it all about him. I feel so bad for some of the women that had to be stripped he was so cruel. Also the dwarfs and twins were his favorite and he liked doing experiments with them in order to produce more babies in the German Aryan race. That's so crazy.
Chapter eight was interesting because in order to deceive more people they put up signs in many different languages that said "to the physisian" or "to the washroom"and the nazi's acted very hospitable like " please hang your clothing and don't forget your number or someone might take it" I thought that was so sad how the victims were so blinded by the nazis niceness.


This is kind of sad-I miss school.
Ahh. I can't believe the year is almost over.
Ms. Ingram I need to make up my work!!
I can't wait for spirit week!
I hope Prom was awesome!
Nessa k

Saturday, April 17, 2010

last && foremost last blog!

It's the weekend; yay! am super excited,
prom is today :O i am so looking forward
to the night. But lets get back to the
Holocaust theme (: i already mentioned that
this week was good. we got to learn about
the camp life style. its sad taking notes
because the Jews suffered a lot. but good
thing its not going on no more. though Friday
i learned something over with Mr.Shelton;
there is genocide in Sudan :O it just came
to mind but am mentioning it because i find
it similar to the Holocaust; but okay am done.
Now lets have a good weekend (:

next blog(:

This week i believe we took about
2 reading quizzes. I would've done
good but i had book issues :( but
any who, as always we took notes.
and did vocabulary which are the usual.
not so bad: in other words it was a
good week (:

eeeeeee blogging time :]

wow! it's been a while since I've blogged. so we went
on the Holocaust museum. i had in mind of not going
because of family problems and money issues. but
ms.Ingram made me go and paid the $10 for me. in
which am very thankful for because of her i had a
great time with the classmates and we learned new
facts(: hopefully next year the next semesters of
girls experience what i did.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Weekend (:

Its the weekend! Yay! I really needed a break from school.

We took our Chapter 10 reading quiz today and some people had a difficult time adding and subtracting. (lol)

We wrapped up Chapter 9 notes today as well. We learned about life in the camps for the prisoners. The prisoners did whatever they could to survive. In my opinion, I thought it was unselfish of them to help eachother out. Here you have a people dieing one by one, yet they still can find the kindness and help one another out.

Ugh. A test soon.

Softball is going good.

Nessa k


This week we had fun. We took to reading quizes one on chapter 9 and the other on chapter 10. The test where easy you can say. And the rest of the times we just took notes like always. And the week was also busy becuse of the schools benefit coming up. I'm excited because I have to sing for choir. It's going to be my first time so I just hope things go well. Other than that the week was the same as the others. And the class too.


The week went pretty fast. Everything we did was good. WEe mostly took notes on chapter 8 and 9. These were interesting chapters. We learned a lot about the life of the Jews in the camps. We also talked about how many were killed and how many survived.The number for Jews was obviously higher but at least some where able to survive. That way they can tell their story. And let people know what they went through and how the Germans acted towards them.


This week for Holocaust we have been taking notes. We have learned about how some of the Jews where able so survive in the camps. Most of the Jews weren't able to survive but some didn't accept their death. They wanted to live and tell their story someday. Sometimes the Jews bribed the SS commanders in order to stay alive for a little longer. They really had to help each other out in order to make it through.


So today was pretty fun in class. lol.
& especially dat i could have had 4 out 5 in the quiz but i changed one of my answers >.<
This class really makes me feel to appreciate the things i have in life and how easy i have it. The jew went through out especially being starved to death, and makes me think twice how i feel when im really hungry.
Wow its been a while since i've been on this blogger thing.
So weird blogging again.
So recently the day of break starting we all went to the Holocaust Museum and
wow that was a wonderful experience. I saw man things brought from where the Holocaust took place. Things like shoes and clothes they were forced to wear.
Overall the sadness i believe we had a lot of fun :)
The life in the camps were horrible people were forced to do things that were hard to do. They were forced to wear clothes that don't fit. It was sad to see where they slept. It just makes me mad to see them go through all of that.
That chapter 9 quiz was easy I felt I did okay, but I would have done better if I had brought my book home. I can't wait until tomorrow...PROM
This week has gone by pretty fast I'm so glad. This week's class were very light. Usually they are long, them going fast was great.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Today we took our chapter 9 quiz, and im positive that i did really good cuz i read the chapter and i knew the answers. We started the notes for that chapter, it wasnt a lot; it is about the life of the jews in the camps.
So the whole spring break i forgot to blog, but im planning to do the extra credit book review for rutkas notebook cuz i think i need it. Before we left for break we went to the Holocauts museum, i think it was a lot fun and very interesting; the lady giving the juniors the tour was kinda annoying cuz she kept telling us info that we already knew and she dragged. But besides that i had a good time there. I enjoyed listening to the speaker, he had a good story.


hey bloggers! I haven't been on here in so long, i almost feel like a new comer. On the other hand Holocaust class has been the same for me except for the trip to the Holocaust museum. The museum was amazing and sad at the same time. My favorite part of the tour was talking to the survivor. I can't wait to go back again!!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Yesterday I was totally lost in class I didn' know what we were talking about. Thank you Rocio for letting me copy your notes. Today I caught up with the notes. I also watched Little People Big world and they traveled to Dachau, Germany and visited the Dachau concentration camp. I can't believe the Nazi made soap from the Jews fat eww! I also found interesting how they got tattoo flesh for decoration.


So yesterday i was watching a show in TLC called big world small people.
Which is pretty cool. There was these boy twins but their fraternal twins because one is normal & the other has dwarfism. They went to Germany and explored the city and country side. They then went to Dachau to the concentration camp and they learned a lot without knowing anything. The event affected them so much. Especially the one that has dwarfism because he would not fit into Hitler's perfect society.

-Lopez :)

Monday, April 12, 2010

march 12

i forget to blog this week because i was out of town actually i went to Indiana to visit my cousins over there and also i forget to blog during the spring break because i was out of town since i went o visit my cousin's over there they didn't had any computer so i was out of luck... but i came back and rest at home with my family and friends but i had a great spring break lol
I don't think I blogged enough before we left for break. I can't remember. This last week was really great. Just to be at home with family and friends was great.
I'm glad we are back in school now. I missed everyone that I didn't get a chance to see. Break was great.
The trip was great. I'm so happy that we went. I learned so much new information. I wish that we can do something like that again.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

the field trip prt 3

The survivor was so special. I couldn't believe I was face to face with a Holocaust survivor. His story will amazed me; the way he got by without running into a Nazi. I felt bad because his parents was killed at Auschwitz. His first time in America was funny because he wasn't use to seeing all of these things. I salute with so much respect to everyone who did and did not survive the Holocaust.

the field trip prt 2

The one thing I will always take with me , besides the survivor, is the video that was being played. The video showed Nazis making people get out of a wagon into a ditch, making them stand in a straight line, and then shooting them in the back of their head. I could not even begin to imagine how that feels; I was just in shock. It's one thing to read about it, but it's another to actually see it. Afterwards, they kick some dirt on them like it wasn't nothing.

the field trip prt 1

The field trip was so amazing, I really enjoyed myself.When I went through the museum it opened my eyes to see how blessed we are to be here. The tour was really cool; I was so amazed to see the actual items from the Holocaust. The way the museum was set up was so nice; I loved it. When the tour guy told me new facts I really took it in.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Chaotic! ☼

I had a crazy weekend!
I tanned up! Yay!
just got back from the hospital!
i thought i was going to be back before 11:00am enought time to blog, but sorry
It was a nightmare though'
No worries, I'm okay (;
my aunt isn't
I was in the emergency room, and I never been surrounded by homeless people in one room
it was the most horrible smell i have ever in my life smelled! Ahh
i will never again use my ipod there ever again, they were smiling at me and some were just plainly staring at me, it was unconfortable!
my mom stayed at the hospital still, I'm home, here without no sleep!(WOW)
Well I must get my beauty sleep! I need it! (:
P.S Have a great break! & Goodnight!
Your Sunshine,
Patty Carrillo (:

Hey Sunshine ☼

I love my necklace!
sucked we didn't get to go on the egg hunt!
Spring break is here!
Finished all homework, so all is out of the way!
I went to the beach! (:
water is still very chilly!
Enjoy your break (:
Your Sunshine,
Patty Carrillo (:

Field Trip ☼

The meseum was so heartwrenching!
It was so much to see, it was just overwhelming!
But I enjoyed it very much (:
My questions did get answered and i learned a couple of new things too!
Your Sunshine,
Patty Carrillo (:

Sunday, April 4, 2010

The experiance was cool. I would like to go back. I have a couple questions aboutsome stuff so I am looking forward to class.
In the museum there was a bunch of things that caught my attention. There was a model of the concentration camp even though was just dolls it still looked real. The train cart gave off a crazy feeling.
The trip was awsome! It was so sad!
My favorite part was the videos. Also I liked the speaker, he was so funny and cute in a grandpa sort of way.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Well where do I start the feild trip was amazing!! I loved it I'm goin to take my family there sum day and I'm pretty sure they'll like it alot of the stuff was very sad and interesting. Well my spring break is goin gud I'm goin to play soccer in the morning then out with the friends. My birthday is on Monday soo well c wat happens.yay!!!!!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Field Trip

The field trip was amazing! I loved it! I am going to take my family to the museum over spring break and I will be their tour guide(lol). I knew almost everything because we learned it in Holocaust. My favorite part from the museum was the Kristallnacht section and the train. I really enjoyed it, Thanks Ms. Ingram!
The chapter eight quiz was kind of easy I hope I get the answers correct. I felt pressured because I had to set up for our Senior fundraiser. I was also wondering when are we getting out test scores? I want to see what I got really bad! Ms. Ingram don't forget to show us our test.
On tuesday class was very interesting how the Nazi's tricked the victims so they will go inside the gas chamber.They said, please hang your clothes and to remember their number so they can have it back after their shower. What I also found interesting was that they treated the Jews in Eastern Europe worse like they whipped them if they didn't want to get on the train or complained. Many of them fainted from exhaust and they beat them.