Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Shindler's list ended today and it was really sad and I felt so tense thinking the Jews were going to die when they arrived at the Auschwitz and also when they went inside the gas chamber. I wasn't really liking the movie but today it was really good and sad how at the end everyone put a rock on top of his tomb.

Monday, May 17, 2010

The final project

for my project i am going to do a diary and talk about my experience in Holocaust.....

the movie is good

If we dont finish the movie I might just rent it :)
lol. plus its hard to see the movie cuz its so dark.
you need to fix that asap... jk
But i really like the movie, makes me sad and mad that the kids were sentenced to death with out knowing.. well except for those other kids that ran away from it. :(
Shindler's list is okay. There is other Holocaust movies that are better for example "Life is Beautiful" or "The boy in the striped pijammas". I guess I don't like the movie because you can't even see the screen It is too dark. I can't wait till we get out I am too stressed with projects, presentations, study guides.